Pitbulls Should Not Be Banned Essay

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Many people say pit bulls are atrocious, but are they? Some people own pit bulls that are not aggressive. Some people just over exaggerate pit bull attacks, and that just makes others petrified of these dogs.
In Miami-Dade County Votes To Keep Pit Bulls Out by, Roberto Gomez, it says that pit bulls are a dreadful animal. Miami-Dade County Votes To Keep Pit Bulls Out also talks about attacks such as the attack at the Moreira’s house that happened to Melissa in her driveway when she got home as a pit bull was on her doorstep. Not all pit bulls are like this, and other dogs are like this sometimes too. Pit bulls should not be banned from the United States.
Many breeds of dogs attack and bite people, So if the government bans pit bulls for the attacks …show more content…

With one, two, three, four, or even five pit bulls in the whole United States does not mean the government needs to ban the species of pit bulls in the U.S. With the other information, many other dogs bite and attack people.
People only pay attention to the attacks that pit bulls are responsible for. If pit bull attacks are so bad they should ban all dogs from the U.S. All dogs attack people so what does that mean about banning dogs.
Pit bulls have not always been bad and had a bad reputation they used to be guard dogs and companions. In the article Pit Bulls Haven’t Always Had a Bad Rep it says that “In the early 1900s, the pit bull was one of the most respected breeds in America. Pit bulls became the most popular kind of dog. Pit bulls are just like any other dogs, a companion, a loving friend, and house guarder. The government should not ban them just because there were a few attacks. People are afraid because they heard about a pit bull attack. They walk to different sides of the sidewalk, or family will not come to their family members houses because they have exotic

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