Piracy History

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The answer to this badly conceived rhyme is not extremely difficult to discern. Pirates! Thanks to Hollywood these criminals have been immortalized on screen and in the minds of generations of America’s citizens. Everyone recognizes who Blackbeard, William Kidd, and Hollywood’s Captain Hook and Jack Sparrow are. They have become a part of our culture. But do we know the true stories? What about the beginning of piracy? What about the varieties of pirates that are virtually unknown? Do we know the true story of the great Blackbeard himself? Probably not. Fortunately that is all about to be amended. Prepare yourself to take a journey into the distant past, into a land of danger and excitement, where pirates are boundless, to a place …show more content…

Looking way back to the beginning of seafaring voyages, it is visible to see that wherever there have been ships there have been also been pirates. However it truthfully stretches back even further than the beginning of the use of ships. It really originated with the first thief. When a man beheld an object that he desired for himself, even though it belonged to another, he elected to purloin the item that had caught his attention. That is exactly what pirates did and, in some parts of the world, still do today. They aspire to take what other people have, and enormous bodies of water will never hinder greed. If a merchant decided to transport his wares by ship, the thief followed suit and also took to the waters. A pirate is simply a thief with a boat. But we digress; back to the official origin of piracy. The approved source is in Greece around two-thousand years ago, when sea robbers began to attack ships along the Greek trade routes. Without exception, every sea-faring nation in all of recorded history has been plagued by pirates. Yes, it has been at different degrees depending on how vigilant a country was at protecting its ships and how desirable of a target it was. But nevertheless piracy has been in existence for thousands of years, and as we will soon see, it has not always posed a

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