Pin Pong Disease: Trichomonas Vaginalis

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A protozoan is the smallest single-celled member of the animal kingdom. A Ping-Pong disease that infects two to three million Americans’ yearly worldwide and researchers have found that it can cause inflammation of the prostate in men but when women come in contact with Trichomoniasis, their symptoms can consist of foul smells, heavily yellowish discharge that comes from the vagina area but then genitals in contact with the infection come across itching, and pain when urinating or having sexual intercourse. Most infected don’t know about the infection due to not having visible symptoms why it’s so important to go for regular checkups. 80 percent of women and 40 percent of men infected may not experience any type of symptoms. And STI’s (sexual transmitted infection) need to be diagnosed correctly, and fully treated and everything as soon as possible to avoid complications that could be serious and or permanent to the body. And in the high occurrence of the T vaginitis worldwide and its compatibility with being the starting point if untreated of other serious diseases makes Trichomoniasis a compelling public health concern. (Wang CC, McClelland RS, Reilly M, 2001)
In addition, Trichomoniasis has also been linked to other serious infections and diseases when gone untreated as in increased risk of getting and transmitting HIV infection which can then lead to AIDS and also can cause cancer of the cervix or if gone down there by oral can lead to cancer of the mouth. But most of the time people are just carriers of the infection and since there are really not any type of regularly guidelines to screening the infection, Trichomoniasis vaginitis often goes undiagnosed. Although it is easily treated with single dose of prescription antib...

... middle of paper ... life threating disease to even losing or hurting a baby at birth.

Works Cited

(Soper D, 2004) “Trichomoniasis: Undercontrolled or control?”
(Wang CC, McClelland RS, Reilly M, 2001) “The effect of treatment of vaginal infections on shedding of human viruses”
(Medical students of UAB, 2009) “Control of Trichomoniasis”
(Petrin D, K Delgaty, 1998) “Clinical and microbiological aspects of Trichomonas Vaginalis
(Telford SR III, 2011) “Microbiological study of microorganism”
(Schwebke J. R., Burgess D, 2004) “Trichomonas risks and prevalence at Birmingham substance abuse treatment facility”
(Craig P, 2011) “Trichomoniasis is Spreading across the U.S”
(San Francisco STI clinic 2006) “Trichomoniasis vaginalis and mycoplasma gentalium in male patients”
(Mader S, 2010) “Biology Laboratory manual”
(Hopkins J, 2011) “Sexually transmitted parasites: Trichomonas vaginalis

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