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The relevance of ethics in our contemporary society
The role of ethics in human life
The role of ethics in human life
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Recommended: The relevance of ethics in our contemporary society
Philosophy is Important
Everybody has something to learn about Philosophy. With the numerous different courses available to students at State University, one will always be able to find new
and pertinent information not covered before in previous classes. This assures students that they will not be forced to take a class that is primarily review. By requiring students to take philosophy courses, the school is guaranteeing they get the full education they deserve. Philosophy is important because it helps to mature the whole person, instead of restricting them in a specialization of a particular field of study.
College is where people go to discover themselves, and at times people just need a little nudge to get them going in the right direction. Philosophy introduces students to
different styles of thinking, teaching them to think smarter and better. The class Critical Thinking, for example, explains how to create and use clear, logical arguments, presenting a skill useful in other many college classes, as well as a practical tool outside of school.
High school does not offer enough philosophy classes to equip the average students for the rest of their lives. Therefore, to obtain higher-level philosophical training,
one must attend college. Not many high school seniors are well versed in philosophical systems that are taught in a philosophy 201 class offered at State. Despite their
importance, ethics are barely covered in high school classes. Training in ethics helps one identify the correct principles of conduct as accepted by specific professions,
and humanity as a whole.
When coming to college, students need to supplement their knowledge base with philosophy. Gonzaga University offers many philosophy courses for the incoming student.
In a society where a collegiate degree is almost necessary to make a successful living, the idea that a student cares less about the education and more about the “college experience” can seem baffling. In My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a Student, Rebekah Nathan, the author’s pseudonym, tackles the idea that academics are less impactful on a student then the culture of college life. Nathan, a 50-year-old cultural anthropologist and university professor, went undercover as a college freshman for a research project. From her research, she hoped to better understand the undergraduate experience by fully immersing herself in college life. To do this, she anonymously applied to “AnyU,” a fake acronym for a real university,
The multiple choices students have today in college have made the university a party environment, resulting in complacent students. Mark Edmundson raises important questions and makes valid points in this essay that are worth thinking about. If people don’t take a look at our present college system and start thinking outside the box, the college education system will continue on its downward spiral of consumerism. It is fun to graduate high school and go to college to party and to have a comedic professor, but there is so much more to college then having fun. People need to realize that by challenging student, students can then start to recognize their own potential end become better for it. Learning and utilizing the information that is being taught in college is essential. “Everyone is born with their own mind, all that is left to do is break out of the stereotypical college student mold, and use
The right and privilege to higher education in today’s society teeters like the scales of justice. In reading Andrew Delbanco’s, “College: What It Was, Is, and Should Be, it is apparent that Delbanco believes that the main role of college is to accommodate that needs of all students in providing opportunities to discover individual passions and dreams while furthering and enhancing the economic strength of the nation. Additionally, Delbanco also views college as more than just a time to prepare for a job in the future but a way in which students and young adults can prepare for their future lives so they are meaningful and purposeful. Even more important is the role that college will play in helping and guiding students to learn how to accept alternate point of views and the importance that differing views play in a democratic society. With that said, the issue is not the importance that higher education plays in society, but exactly who should pay the costly price tag of higher education is a raging debate in all social classes, cultures, socioeconomic groups and races.
Imagine a cardiovascular surgeon about to crack the sternum of a dying patient; tension is high while the clock of life ticks desperately slower and softer for the poor soul on the cold steel table that saw death the hour before. Is it logical that at that moment the purveyor of life is contemplating whether his freshmen philosophy class back at SMU has thoroughly prepared him for what he is about to do? Not likely. In higher learning institutions, liberal art classes like philosophy are not meant to be directly applied to one’s life or career; however, they are structured and devised to be a strong base that the individual can expand upon through scientific learning and experience. This is precisely the reason colleges and universities require and place much emphasis on these classes; nevertheless, there has been a shift away from the liberal arts towards the direction of highly specialized areas of science and business because of their growing integration in everyday life. Although people need a limited number of liberal arts classes to attain a basic understanding of ourselves and our evolution, state universities are aptly moving towards technical education, because, in this fast paced world, many people don’t have the time or money to spend studying the humanities alone.
With this, we may realize our minuscule role in the universe and begin to approach things more rationally. With philosophy, we can remove our dogmatic assertions and adopt a bigger but less certain perspective of things. Not to mention, it's absolutely fascinating.
In “Choosing Success in College and Life”, Carol Kanar exposes students to the foundational skills that they will need to develop in order to be successful in the college setting. Effective interpersonal skills and understanding that people are the biggest resource can be two of the biggest factors in how a student assimilates to campus life. Students can be intimidated by all of the offices and professional titles that surround them when entering this new surrounding. It is important that students understand that their desire to succeed is met by college professionals’ mutual desire to see the same. The blueprint for this success should first begin with the students’ inner belief in themselves. Second, the student should familiarize themselves with all that the college has to offer by way of various supportive offices, support groups, and clubs. Finally, the students should begin to set scholastic, life, and financial goals for themselves.
Secondly, college is where a person goes to discover him/herself. This is one of the many goals of the college system, and that discovery process is hindered by unneeded, mandatory classes. Students should be able to try many different classes to discover what interests them the most, not to be fed knowledge that they very well might know already (and is perhaps of no interest to them). If required courses were eliminated, it would free up much time that students could then use to pursue their own interests. College exists to help people become unique individuals, not to put every person into the same standard mold.
The world's natural resources are being consumed at an alarming rate. As these resources diminish, people will be seeking alternative sources by which to generate electricity for heat and light. The only practical short-term solution for the energy/pollution crisis should be nuclear power because it is available, cleaner and safer.
On December 10, 2009 at Hamilton University in Clinton, New York, college professors debated current college curriculum (Liew). They talked about how their college could make the leap from being good to being great. At the 22nd American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges conference held in Long Beach, California on November 14, 1996, the topic of changing curriculum was discussed (“Mich”). The University of Louisiana, Lafayette, is eliminating its philosophy major, while Michigan State University is doing away with American studies and classics, after years of decline in enrollments in those majors (Zernike). The purpose of a college education is to meet the student’s needs so that they can compete and understand the connection between a degree and a job that will enable them to compete with other world economies, give them a well-rounded education that will enable them to earn a higher income, and retain a lifetime full of knowledge....
Winters, Marcus., and SPECIAL TO THE WASHINGTON TIMES. "Challenging Tenure in D.C: Rhee Tackles the Holy Grail of Teachers' Contracts." Washington Times: A.23. 2008. Print. Link
Smil, V. (2010).Myths in the Headlines: Nuclear Power, Energy: Myths and Realities: Bringing Science to the Energy Policy Debate (pp. 150-157). Washington, D.C.: Publisher for the American Enterprise Institute.
Nuclear power, although relatively new, is one of the most productive major sources of energy. It has been readily embraced by France, Russia, the United States,and initially Japan, four of the world’s leading nations. Of course, as with every energy source, there are some drawbacks, the bulk of which have to do with safety concerns. For this reason, this particular source faces enormous opposition. Yet, the negatives are so heavily outweighed by the positives (i.e. high economic efficiency and low environmental impact), that they do not in any way draw from the fact that nuclear energy should definitely continue to be used, and more so.
Ethics are moral principles or values that govern the conduct of an individual or a group.It is not a burden to bear, but a prudent and effective guide which furthers life and success. Ethics are important not only in business but in academics and society as well because it is an essential part of the foundation on which a civilized society is built.
The word “philosophy” is derived from two roots that are “philo” and “Sophia.” Philo means love whereas Sophia means wisdom. Therefore, philosophy means the love of wisdom. In actual practice, philosophy entails study of, pursuit, and enquiry into wisdom. A good number of great philosophers have referred to philosophy as the art of thinking. Others have only defined it as the systematic study of human feelings and thoughts.
By the definition, Philosophy is a quest after wisdom, the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. How can it not have a value, unless we are trying to raise or have ignorant and uneducated society? Perhaps some philosophical dialogs do not always follow common sense, reach a conclusion or resolve a conflict. However, they do something more, they open one’s mind, challenge and change current beliefs, causing people to evolve as individuals, and masses to evolve as generations. Philosophers are experts in moving us forward, unleashing imagination, discussing controversial subjects and discovering new things. It is my opinion that not only is philosophy an important aspect of a college education, but it plays an important role in everyone’s life, and daily interactions (think politics). The study of philosophy enables to think carefully, critically, and with clarity, take a logical approach to addressing challenging questions and examining hard issues,