Examining the Impact of Global Warming

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I. Did you know that 2014 was one of the hottest years on record? It shattered the previous record which was set in 2010. Were you aware that there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than at any time in our recent and distant past? One of our most well-known national parks, The Montana Glacier National Park, once known for majestic glaciers and other icy wonders, has only 25 glaciers left!
II. The repercussions of the global warming issue are profound and should be addressed during our generation. Our children will suffer the consequences of our inaction if nothing is done.
III. Global warming is an issue that affects, not just Americans, but all living things on this planet. The effects of global warming are felt by all and can be seen with the melting of the polar caps and glaciers and rising temperatures. In fact, scientific evidence shows that the planet’s …show more content…

Rising Sea levels which are the aftereffect of the melting of the polar caps and glaciers in the North and South Poles. In fact, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, since 1870, global sea levels have risen by about 7.5 inches and will continue to rise as more ice caps melt.
c. All of this threatens the earth’s various fragile ecosystems, as well as, people all over the world.
III. What can be done to combat global warming?
a. Each person can do little things like using lower power light bulbs, conserving water by bathing less and showering instead, and recycling.
b. Car manufacturers can produce cars that are less reliant on gasoline and use electrical power instead. Gasoline combustion produces carbon dioxide emissions that harm the atmosphere.
c. Governments the world over can invest in greener sources of power such as wind turbines, more widespread use of solar panels to harness the energy of the sun, or hydroelectric power which is a relatively new method of harnessing energy from the currents produced by waves.
I. Summary of main

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