Persuasive Speech On Elemies

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This is a good day to spend with your family, Aries, as you love to do. Try to get chores out of the way as quickly as possible and schedule something fun for the afternoon. Maybe you would enjoy an outing to a park or movie. Perhaps it would be fun to bake cookies. Whatever you decide, warmth and love will permeate the air and bring you closer together as you create wonderful memories.

Today's planetary energies may put spiritual matters in your mind, Taurus. You may not be thinking in religious terms. Your focus is likely to be on the state of humanity and what you can do to help others less fortunate. Make some calls or do some research online. Find out how you can get involved. If you're short on time, a monetary gift can …show more content…

You may be worried about your future and that of your children. You might try to bring up the subject at a social gathering. Someone you meet there is bound to teach you something about the issue. If you need to get further involved raising people's awareness of this issue, do it! cancer
Today is going to present not only a continuation but also an intensification of the strong energies that have been pushing you toward self-discovery. If you've put up some resistance, you're going to be uncomfortable. Try to participate in the task. Question yourself. Why do you say and do certain things? If you're honest, the rewards will outweigh the growing pains.

Today you should be asking yourself a lot of important questions, Leo. The Universe is pushing you on your journey of self-discovery. If you resist, you aren't going to be in a very good mood. You might want to facilitate this period with yoga or meditation. You may start a dream journal. Try to listen to yourself intuitively. You will probably find out that you already have the answers. …show more content…

There may be gossip going around about a mutual friend and you will be tempted to join in. Remember that repeated stories are rarely completely true. You would hate to lose a friendship if he or she found out you said something unflattering. Be careful. The people you're gossiping with may gossip about you later.

A close friend or colleague could receive special recognition for good works today. You're pleased with your friend's success, Scorpio, and grateful for your own good fortune. It seems that you also have achieved a long-term goal. While you may not be acknowledged in public like your friend, you know in your heart that you accomplished what you set out to. Your smile says it all.

You may have heard a juicy story about a friend lately and be just dying to share it with your entourage, Sagittarius. Be careful with this impulse! The party in question would not appreciate hearing about what you're doing. You could unnecessarily harm someone's reputation. Think about how you would feel if the show was on the other

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