Persuasive Speech On Breast Augmentation Surgery

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As per statistics by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentations were the most common cosmetic surgeries that were done in the year 2016 and physicians and surgeons are of the opinion that this figure is going to rise in the years to come. Dr. B J Cohen (, a specialized cosmetic surgeon says that girls are nowadays too desperate to let go of their shortcomings and they are taking immediate steps to correct their body parts.
If you too have been wondering about going under the knife for getting a boob job done, are you sure you know everything on it? Here are few things that you should know on breast augmentation surgery.
 The first surgery is definitely not going to be the last one
If you had known that it is once and for all that you have to undergo a surgery for augmenting your breasts, you’re mistaken. It has been seen that 25% of women require another surgery after a decade as the silicone implants don’t last forever. They might start leaking inside with time or a shell of scar could appear around the implant thereby tarnishing the shape of your breasts. Pregnancy, weight loss and change in choice are some other factors that might prompt the patient to undergo another surgery in the next few years.
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Nevertheless, if the implant is positioned behind the muscle, which most women opt for in order to make the breasts look more natural, the recovery time might be a little bit

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