Persuasive Speech On Aliens

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You’ve seen all these sci-fi movies where aliens come to our planet saying, “We come in peace,” and then start gusting everything up with their minuscule spaceships. These movies are of course fiction, mainly because it is believed that aliens don’t exist. But what if, thee movies becomes a reality? What if there’s something out there, exceeding our knowledge, some millions of galaxies away? What if, life really does exist out there, beyond our understanding? These Extraterrestrials don’t have to look like what we’ve always imagined, driving spaceships and taking over planets. They might be some creepy-crawly insect, plants, or anything we can never think of. It can be one of the reason why you don’t believe in extraterrestrial lives; because …show more content…

I can’t disagree with you, that is logical. But here’s the thing: we live in an infinite, never-ending universe. Logic is not always right and valid here. A famous astronaut, Buzz Aldrin, confessed to the sighting of a strange lying object during the Apollo 11 Mission. They thought it was a piece of the detached SIV-B rocket, until they were told that it was over 6,000 miles away from where they were standing. To this day, the highly-equipped NASA have no official explanation of what the object could have been. On February 24, 1942, hundreds of reports flooded a local Los Angeles air base claiming to have spotted a UFO. Worrying that it might be Japan striking after the attack to Pearl Harbour, the sky was quickly filled with search operations that quickly found the “aircraft.” Even though the unidentified object was numerous times with anti-aircraft fire, it appeared to take no damage and soon vanish into the dark of the night, never to be seen again. The Ohio State University researchers picked up a signal that came from nearly 220 million lightyears aways that was so powerful, it was named the “wow signal.” It was bewildering that a signal came so strong from so far away without the use of advanced technology, that is, another proof for someone outside the …show more content…

NASA has been placing their rovers on it to collect all the datas available and pictures. They are also on the seek for extraterrestrial life. It is said that Mars used to have lakes and water, and knowingly, when there’s water, there’s life. The question is, how can life live in such cold and unstable conditions? Many organisms already live on Earth in such extreme, unstable conditions. The situation out there could be worse than for a Penguin living in the coldest parts of the world, or for the Angler Fish which thrives in the deepest parts of the oceans under tons of pressure and lack of sunlight. Based on research, the most extreme species in the world is the Tardigrade, or so called waterbears. It is a microscopic creature that can survive temperatures ranging from -300 F to 300 F. The temperature on Mars is only -80 F. Tardigrades can even survive in space, so it’s quite possible that an extreme extraterrestrial organism has adapted to its environment and maybe is already living in our solar system right

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