Persuasive Essay Zoos

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A zoo is a place where animals live in captivity and are put on display for people to view. An example of a zoo animal would be an elephant. As of October 2017, there are 230 Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA)-accredited zoos in the world; however, there have been numerous reports of unaccredited zoos reported. There are many reasons why animals do not belong in zoos, but a big reason is they do not have the proper size space to live in. People against zoos has been an issue throughout society for many decades. An organization called Captive Animals’ Protection Society (CAPS) was founded in 1957 by retired school teacher, Irene Heaton. She was disgusted by the lack of care and proper treatment animals the keepers were failing to give. …show more content…

The living area may be for walking, playing around, or just hiding from others; yet, the enclosure size is significantly smaller than what their breeds in the wild have. Elephants are a victim in small living spaces. According to Lemonick, McDowell, Bjerklie, “In the wild, elephants roam as much as 30 miles a day, snacking on lush foliage, bathing in water holes and interacting socially with other elephants in groups of up to 20” (8). The AZA requires outdoor spaces to be 1,800 ft² and 400 ft² for an adult elephant. A typical adult elephant is approximately 8-13 feet tall and 7-9 feet wide. In order for a single elephant in the zoo to get the normal 30 miles a day (158,400 feet), it would have to walk back-and-forth about 3,734 times in its outdoor enclosure and 7,920 times in an indoor enclosure. Walking that many times can be hard due to the cramping as well as be very boring compared to the average 640,000 acres of free roaming in the wild. Elephants taken from the wild will have to do a lot of adapting to a new, smaller home. Since the change is so sudden, zoo animals can get a condition called zoochosis. Zoochosis behavior includes: bar biting, pacing, vomiting, and self-mutilation. “Stereotypic behaviour is not seen in animals in the wild and is understood to be abnormal and is therefore a negative factor in conservation captive breeding” (ZooCheck). Causes can be because of separation from natural habitat, direct control

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