Persuasive Essay: Should We Stop Shark Finning?

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Every year 73 million sharks are slaughtered, statistically that is over 10,000 per hour, imagine if this were to occur to humans ( Sharks are tortured as their fins are slashed off and sold for little profit. This brutal process is called sharks finning and it consists of slicing the shark's fin while they are still alive. After this process is completed they are thrown back in the water severely injured they and are faced with a slow death that is pushing them to the brink of extinction. Shark finning is more common than perceived, this barbaric method is gruesome and should be stopped due to its impractically since it has no taste or medical use, the sharks are treated in an inhumane manner and it interferes with the aquatic …show more content…

The elimination of sharks would completely destroy coral reefs as a result of the domino effect that the extinction of these predators would have. In addition sharks keep populations healthy by feeding off on fragile individuals, as a result the strongest genes are left to be inherited to future generations which reproduce healthy large fish. According to Sea Shepherd’s official website these predators contribute to eliminating diseased and genetically-defective animals and help to stabilize fish populations” ( This limits the spread of diseases and outbreaks creating strong gene pools of the prey …show more content…

Fishermen slice the shark’s fin off while they are still alive and “throw [the] mutilated bodies back into the sea to die an agonizing and horrific death” ( Sharks are able to process the oxygen as it flows past its gills, when they sink to the benthic zone they are not able to move, which means that the water is not circulating around their gills and as a result they asphyxiate, however there are cases where other fish prey on their defenseless bodies. All this pain is inflicted on them even though there are various acts protecting

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