Persuasive Essay On Why Snakes Are Bad

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Chapman University recently did a poll with over 1,200 Americans to see what keeps the average human up at night and 23.6% were afraid of snakes, which happened to be in between devastating tornado and devastating earthquake. Snakes, apparently, are as threatening as a natural disaster; when in fact they are adorable reptiles that are rarely harmful. There is plenty of research that proves them to actually be great pets. They are not expensive, not hard to maintain, or time consuming animals, so what are people so afraid of? Because snakes are not typical house pets, many assume that they are just difficult to look after. In reality, they can be cared as easily as other common pets. Obviously, this depends on the breed of snakes. If you are …show more content…

As with any animal, like dogs and cats, the purchase of a snake can get pretty high depending on the breed. However, the actual cost of its living is relatively low. The average annual cost for a pet snake is actually lower than for dogs. One of the obvious parts of the price of keeping snakes is the feeding probably one of the biggest issues that people have because the general population probably doesn’t consider handling dead rats as a fun thing to do. However, if that’s something that you would rather not devote some time to, than snakes of a smaller size are very nice because they can live on insects. If a large snake is desired though, you are just going to have to get over the freezer full of dead …show more content…

While it is true that they can be dangerous whether that be because they are venomous or constrictor, they rarely cause harm. Usually any attack is out of aggravation or self-defense and there is always the option of a safer snake who at worst could cause a minor injury, again the case for almost all animals. But the general dislike for snakes seems to be very deep so really, why are people so afraid of them? According to National Geographic, it could be an innate reaction from the beginning of humans. As an infant you can register that they could be a danger but when you grow up it is up to how you are raised that will determine if you hate, love, or are neutral towards

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