Persuasive Essay On University Education

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Students all over the world go to university for many different reasons. Some are going the career path route and others want the experience that schools have to offer. Either way, a university education should be one that is reliable and will teach many things. Some argue that universities in America are not doing their job of exposing the student to the outside world and are making it difficult for students to achieve their goals. A university education should provide the structure and knowledge that students need to succeed later in life.
In order to provide structure, universities make achieving your goals difficult. This is what Mark Edmundson, the author of “Who Are You and What Are You Doing Here?” describes. He states that the time …show more content…

They are doing so because many students do not feel comfortable reading things they feel are inappropriate. Many of the students from the incoming Class of 2019 at Duke University refused to read Fun Home by Alison Bechdel, a book chosen for their summer reading list. Fun Home is described as an LGBT graphic novel that contains “graphic visual depictions of sexuality” (Samuels). Brian Grasso, a student in the incoming Class of 2019, stated that “[it] would have to compromise my personal Christian moral beliefs to read it” (Samuels). Many other students of the school agree with what Grasso said and have also made complaints to the school. The book was not required by Duke, but was rather a suggested reading for the students. The Duke Common Experience Selection committee, the committee responsible for choosing the summer reading books, believe that this novel has the potential to spark conversations and possibly debates amongst students at the school. Ibanca Anand, a student committee member, agrees with Grasso, saying that Fun Home is not an easy read. However, Anand feels that this is what makes it a good read for incoming students. She believes, much like the rest of the committee, that the somewhat unsettling nature of this novel makes it a conversation starter. Reading this novel will help students gain an insight into what goes on in other peoples lives by exposing them to harsh truths. With this exposure, students will have a better understanding that you are not going to be sheltered

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