Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Eleven teenagers die a day as a result of texting and driving. Some people think texting and driving isn't a bad thing, but it can be very dangerous and sometimes effect and change the rest of your life.Texting while driving should be against the law in every state, by telling people why they do it, how to prevent it, and what it does to others they can understand how it doesn't just put them in danger it also puts everyone else around them on the road in danger. Think about what your doing before you start doing it. Our brains react to a smartphone the same way they react to a drug. 1 When people get to much toxic waste in their brain its similar to when we get too much technology in our brain. It gets us to think when we get a text message we can immediately look without thinking what will happen on the road. When people see their friends and family texting and driving they begin to think they can do the same. 2 As children and teens are growing up they see their family members texting and driving. With the fact that when their parents were texting while driving nothing really happened they feel that the same will happen for them. Most people once they hear a ding or a vibrate coming from their phones they are are …show more content…

Texting and driving is especially dangerous because it incorporates all types of driving distractions. 7 When texting and driving it takes you eyes off the road, hands off the steering wheel, and takes focus away from safe driving. Teens have a reaction time of a seventy year old when distracted while driving.8 Many teens don't realize how much time they have between the phone and the steering wheel, until the crash is over. When you chose to text and drive your not just threatening you own life. 9 You texting and driving puts everyone else around you in danger to. Most of the time you can end up putting you or others in a hospital. There are ways it affects

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