Persuasive Essay On Surfboard

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Having a quality board is not only about entertainment and a hobby accessory, but also about staying safe in the water. If you have a flimsy, poorly made surfboard, it can lead to injury and disaster. Here, we have reviewed 5 of the best sport surfboard brands you can find on the market. We have as well incorporated the long board style of surfboards, wind surfing boards, as well as wake boards. Take a look! ## ORIGINAL "What is the Best" Description:: "What is the Best" Description:: The ability to have fun and remain safe while on the water are both important things; which is why our top 5 picks are as fun, durable, and safe as they are. With a surfboard for every style, taste, skill level, and budget, we have options for many needs. Now that you’re well informed about …show more content…

Good fins will enhance the speed of your surfboard and provide better stability and balance while on the water. Nose The nose of your surfboard is important for the overall stability and maneuverability of the board. A wider nose provides a better stability and low maneuverability, while a narrow nose means more maneuverability but lower stability. Leash A leash is a critical safety feature for a surfboard, especially for beginners. It’s a string that you place on your ankle to prevent the board from floating away when you fall. Most boards have a spot for attaching the leash and you can detach it once you’re competent enough to make long rides without falling off. Rocker The curve of the surfboard, also known as a rocker, determines the size of waves you can catch. Larger curves allows you to ride larger waves and smaller rockers are convenient for gliding through small waves as well as paddling through water. ## Performance and Ease of Use Notes – What things relate to performance/satisfaction and ease of use? If relevant, make sure include things such as installation, set up, maintenance and

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