Persuasive Essay On Steroids

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In this essay it is going to be giving advice on steroid use in athletes. Using steroids is unfair for people who follow the rules and do not use them. steroids also have a very negative effect on the body, that can sometimes be deadly. Therefore steroids should be checked for more often, and not just steroids, all drugs. Coaches and schools should be caring about their athletes, not be hurting them, to see them play better. Drugs/steroids have a negative effect on the body. In an article I have read, I found this quote to back this up, “ ‘It's not about being punitive, it's about identifying students that need help.’ superintendent Patrick Dobbs said ‘we look at it as a wellness initiative.’ “ The authors are saying that, other than the …show more content…

Such bad effects come from it because you are putting unnatural hormones into your body, which can cause the opposite of what you want your body to do, such as bread production in men. As I was ready another article, I found this story that shows how scary steroids really can be “It can take years to hit bottom with many drugs, decades with alcohol. But on steroids Chris Wash managed it in just 12 months, starting with a dream of playing for a top college basketball team and winding up on a highway overpass, waiting for the moment to jump. In that time Wash, a 6-foot-2 guard on the Plano West High School team in Plano, Texas, went from a rangy 180 pounds to a hulking 230, with shoulders so big he could barely pull on his backpack in the morning. And he developed a whole new personality to match that intimidating physique: depressed, aggressive and volatile. After a series of fights in his junior year his coach threw him off the team, but by then building muscles had become an end in itself. He switched from pills to injecting himself with steroids in the buttocks, often with a couple of friends, including a promising high-school baseball player named Taylor Hooton. That went on for

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