Persuasive Essay On Sponsors For School

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The first reason why I think we should sponsors for school is because they can provide the school with their product like Worland High School is sponsored by Pepsi we have vending machines I’m sure they come around and fill them up whenever they need it filled. Having sponsors makes you have motivation because somebody is paying for your equipment and the things you need like sports. Whenever you start off doing something u always want to get sponsored because that sponsor can help you out a lot it also helps with the business to. I think all schools should have at least one sponsor to help out not only with sports but if the school gets sponsored by technology businesses then they could help with the new computers new phone around the school. I think they should have Sponsors because it helps the school out by getting new equipment that the school can have for students.
Next reason is because Sponsors for sports is a big thing like it motivates the players for the sports to do more because they get drinking supply from Pepsi too keep them hydrated in the game. Also the sponsor can help with different things that sport need for basketball new …show more content…

They can get new equipment like new machines nicer newer weights make it seem like a place people would actually like to go and be not a place with mats and machines that don’t even match they are just machines. Also the equipment in the school desks everything is falling apart this year I saw plenty of desks that were completely broken on the top where everything sits. But also it is a bad idea for new equipment because kids in the school are ninety percent vandalize the stuff because there bored. That’s why I see why most schools don’t get new equipment is because the students ruin it all the time. So there is pros and cons about the schools

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