Persuasive Essay On Skin Tags

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Before considering skin tag removal, it is important to know that these tags on the skin are in no way harmful to your health or dangerous. It is a completely benign outgrowth on the skin, and generally occurs in areas of the body where there are folds of skin, such as the neck, armpits, and groin. It has been observed that skin tags are more likely to occur on people of an older age and those who are obese. However, one may easily find exceptions to this, and the exact causes are not known.

Home Remedies Worth The Effort

While health-wise these tags pose no danger, it is true that they are not very appealing to look at, and can blemish one's looks, if they are visible. But that is no need to panic and rush into an expensive surgical procedure to remove skin tags, or purchase one of the many cosmetic creams out there. There are some simple and inexpensive home remedies that can be tried out first. …show more content…

Apply the paste to the tag 1-2 times a day, and in a week a clear difference will be visible.


Potatoes are available cheaply almost everywhere and this is good news for skin tag removal! Simply slice a piece of potato and leave it bandaged to the tag on the skin overnight. a few days of consistent effort will cause the tag to blacken and then fall off.

Dental Floss

It may sound surprising, but it is known to work. All you need to do is tie the dental floss around the base of the tag. This will cut off the blood supply to the outgrowth, and in a few days the tag will automatically fall off.

Apple Cider

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