Persuasive Essay On Save The Navy

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We all know that the US spends the biggest amount of money on the military because of terrorism and wanting to be strategically ahead of all the other countries. They are just trying to protect our country from being attacked again especially after Pearl Harbor and 9/11. But maybe the military has gone a bit too far in some instances, like underwater sonar testing. The Navy was just renewed permits to conduct exercises in an extensive area in the Pacific Ocean. The training and testing range stretches from Northern California to the Canadian border. The navy claims “many adversaries have and continue to acquire modern, quiet subs, torpedoes, and underwater mines that pose serious threats to the lawful use of the sea, the global economy, and the safety of our forces”, which is why the navy needs to be able to have real life practice out in the ocean. The navy did think about the animals in the area and are practicing routines to protect animals, “such as using trained lookouts to avoid marine mammals or halting sonar if marine mammals approach our ships within certain safety zones.” But the percentage of "Visual detection can miss anywhere from 25 to 95 percent of the marine mammals in an area," says Heather Trim, Director of Policy for People for Puget …show more content…

The sonar gives out a 235 decibel pressure waves of pinging and metallic shrieking. At 200 Db, the vibrations can rupture your lungs, and above 210 Db the noise can go straight through your brain until it hemorrhages. Even being 300 miles away the source of the sonar, these waves can retain an intensity of 140 Db, a hundred times more intense than the level known to alter the behavior of large whales. In addition to animal strandings, biologists are concerned that marine mammals can suffer persistent stress from changes in diving, feeding and

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