Persuasive Essay On Right To Work

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“Right to Work” sounds like a catchy phrase with great benefits- that’s wrong. This catchy phrase is toxic to people who work hard for their money, especially the people who belong to unions. Right to Work in my community would begin a toxic boom of workplace danger, lower education opportunities, and even less wages for union workers. Workplace safety is just one of the things that unions work had to protect. If Right to Work was passed for the state of Illinois, we would have to expect more workplace deaths. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in Right to Work States, the rate of workplace injuries and even deaths are a whole 54% higher. That’s more than half of all workers in Right to Work states being harmed while they …show more content…

Right to Work would take all of that away in my community. These workers would be making $200 dollars less a week than the states who support union workers, and that is not including the health benefits that Right to Work would also cut. These lower wages for workers result in 4.8% lower pensions according to the Economic Policy Institution. If every single state in America followed Right to Work, a total of 3.8 million more people would be without pensions. Wages are the way people make ends meet, feed and care for their families. With lower wages means less food on the table, less money in savings accounts for families, and less motivation to go to work the next day. These results of lower wages would also result in less success in the workplace. Right to Work passing in Illinois would negatively affect my community and its every day way of life. Workplace danger would increase, education would not be funded and scores would plummet to the lowest in the states, and union members who used to have great wages and benefits would be making extraordinarily less with little to no benefits. Right to Work would bring my community down in so many negative ways that my community would begin to

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