The History of the American Labor Union

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The History of the American Labor Union Beginning in the late 1700’s and growing rapidly even today, labor unions form the backbone for the American workforce and continue to fight for the common interests of workers around the country. As we look at the history of these unions, we see powerful individuals such as Terrence Powderly, Samuel Gompers, and Eugene Debs rise up as leaders in a newfound movement that protected the rights of the common worker and ensured better wages, more reasonable hours, and safer working conditions for those people (History). The rise of these labor unions also warranted new legislation that would protect against child labor in factories and give health benefits to workers who were either retired or injured, but everyone was not on board with the idea of foundations working to protect the interests of the common worker. Conflict with their industries lead to many strikes across the country in the coal, steel, and railroad industries, and several of these would ultimately end up leading to bloodshed. However, the existence of labor unions in the United States and their influence on their respective industries still resonates today, and many of our modern ideals that we have today carry over from what these labor unions fought for during through the Industrial Revolution. To begin, we need to look towards the first recorded instance of a labor union in the United States, a union known as the Federal Society of Journeymen Cordwainers ( In 1794, a group of cordwainers, shoemakers, in Philadelphia banded together to form the United States’ first form of organized labor union through a series of strikes.... ... middle of paper ... ...3. Article. 30 March 2014. Foner, Eric and John A Garraty. "Knights of Labor." 2009. 30 March 2014. History. 2009. 30 March 2014. n.d. Article. 30 March 2014. PBS. The Homestead Strike. 1999. 30 March 2014. . "The American Federation of Labor." n.d. 30 March 2014. . Urofsky, Melvin. Pullman Strike. 15 March 2014. 30 March 2014. . Zinn, Howard. "The Great Railroad Strike, 1877." A People's History of the United States (2006). Article. 30 March 2014.

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