Persuasive Essay On Reality Tv

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The Contestant is a story about a game that show changes a small town in Peru forever. The objective of the game was to answer as many questions as one can while being truthful in order to obtain a certain sum of money for each question you answered. In this game, as it gets further and the money offered increases, the questions being asked get closer to one’s personal life and privacy. Therefore, one had the options to stop playing if the questions were too personal and scary to answer. Ruth Thalia, an 18 or 19 year old girl, was a victim of murder due to the actions of her own and her boyfriend’s reaction to those actions she made. Desperate for a little 15 min of fame and a nice sum of money, Ruth Thalia decided to go on this …show more content…

That’s the harsh reality of reality television: as long as their ratings go up and they have money in their pockets, they do not care much for the people lives who are ruined or reputation tarnished. So the question is then raised, have we allowed for reality television to be the basis of how society is perceived in a brainless and classless manor? Or have we made ourselves so desperate for 15 minutes of fame that we would literally do anything like say our deepest secrets on national …show more content…

Majority of reality shows today carry little to no moral standards with there being a lot of sexual behavior going on between young adults making it seem acceptable to have one-night stands and lay down with whoever not thinking about consequences such as STD’s or unwanted pregnancy. Most movies have sexual content in it as well but movies have ratings making it not seeable for most age groups. Whereas reality television makes no effort to censor or contain a lot of their sexual content. “As television can have a strong influence on young adults, we suggest that psychology and public health organizations consider advocating for reality television shows of such genre to limit viewer exposure to sexual insinuations during these shows (Fogel and Kovalenko, 2013).” There is a show called Teen Mom that is of course about teen moms and this show in the beginning was made to have teens be aware of the consequence of having unprotected sex. This show has not made really difference in the amount of teen girls getting pregnant. The girls on the show teen mom are now celebrities, one is even a porn star. So where is the help in spreading the message of waiting till you’re out of high school to have kids or have sex in general? Maybe that comes with morals taught to you in childhood but either way reality television is making things better especially not

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