Persuasive Essay On Racism

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There is no denying the intense racism that motivates poor choice of words and actions in people all around the world. Opinions are passed down through generations of families, and are commonly insinuated onto other people’s actions without it being their intent. Previously working at a bank over a year ago, I encountered the opposite race where some were friendly and others rude. One negative encounter involved a black woman who surprisingly accused me of being racist for asking for her ID before allowing her to withdrawal from her account. As many people know, it is a security tactic practiced by numerous, if not all, financial establishments meant for members of all races, genders, beliefs, and so forth. I’ll admit I was agitated that this woman I just met, attacked my ethical beliefs based off of an assumption. I understand the existence of prejudice and that all people have a right to feel defensive in situations where they feel dehumanized, but also that accusing someone of racism because of their color can itself be a racist remark. I do not consider myself racist by any means regardless of my own roots, but I am very aware of and exhausted by the hatred of which I believe is a factor in the movement, Black Lives Matter. …show more content…

I believe that the movement gives a whole new power to racism and violence in a war against black Americans and the police force. To make it even worse, it began because blacks decided to call the racism card against the acquittal of a police officer who murdered seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin ( But who says that things wouldn’t have panned out the same way were it a white boy who had been victimized by the officer? Or if the officer was too,

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