Persuasive Essay On Outlawing Cigarettes

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How would you like to be a hero and save your life and the people around you just by outlawing cigarettes and other tobacco products? Outlawing cigarettes and tobacco products are growing more everyday as controversial issue worldwide. It takes only one cigarette to get addicted to it. Some people would claim that it helps them relax or help them deal with stress, but there are other ways to deal with stress without smoking. Is your life really worth a cigarettes break? This is an important issue to acknowledge because one day when you’re an adult smoker or not, you will most likely have kids of your own that will grow up in an environment with easy access to cigarettes and tobacco, you will want to know why outlawing cigarettes and tobacco …show more content…

The website quoted, “the nicotine causes the brain to release adrenaline, creating a buzz of pleasure and energy.” That explains nicotine addiction is what helps the products of cigarettes and tobacco sell. Nicotine is addictive like alcohol. A product that is that addictive shouldn’t be in store where is easy access for the youth and smokers everywhere, because more people would want to try it and will get addicted to nicotine. This shows why smokers keep coming back to buy more and even more cigarettes and other tobacco products. In the article, “Can tobacco dependence provide insights into other drug addictions?” Joseph R. DiFranza a medicine doctor, quoted, “With repeated tobacco use, the latency to withdrawal shrinks from as long as several weeks to as short as several minutes.” This quote shows that the addiction will cause you to smoke more often, going from once a week to everyday to every couple of minutes. This is exactly why cigarettes and other tobacco products should be outlawed to prevent people from getting addicted to nicotine. When something is addictive, you want more and cigarettes aren’t

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