Persuasive Essay On Murder

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Murder, the word implies the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. We never think of murder as something that effects us directly, but we do not see the affect it has on us as human beings. Murder and killing is actually more connected in our world than one would think; nations use murder to fuel war and to kill their enemies. People have killed for petty reasons such as money and power, or for other reasons like pure hated or defense. The list goes on and on without end but there is one prevalent reason that currently rises above the rest. That issue is religion and it has been grounded to our culture since the dawn of man, thought it has also brought about a controversy that has persisted for centuries. Religious wars …show more content…

The Catholics used religion to justify the crusades in the 11th century. More recently, Islamic extremist groups are using religion as a scapegoat for mindless killing. Mass murder is used by three big contenders in the world; an individual, terrorist cell, and an army. If god commands someone to kill, is it justified? No it is not because whether you believe in a god or not, you are still taking a human life. You are the one who is making the call, mentally and physically, to take away a life. Even if that person believes that their god is commanding them to kill, that person is still pulling the proverbial trigger. Divine Command Theory fails because whether you believe in a god or not, it is ultimately you who is responsible for killing another human …show more content…

Saying the end justifies the means is just a cowardly way of saying that taking a life is justified. If the only way to get the best outcome is to kill, then it should be the path that has the least amount of killing. I accept that it is human nature to kill; however, I believe that even if you think killing is justified, a part of you should feel guilty for killing. The loss of life is bad and if there is no loss of life then it is good. In spite of the many differences among Christians, Jews, and Muslims, they share a fundamental belief in God as a compassionate and just overseer. In the case of the Muslims, Muhammad and his followers produced some rules for war stating that women, children, and the elderly are not to be attacked. The jihad should not involve indiscriminate killing, despite what some particular radicals may say. Looking at Christianity, its early history was made by a fairly strict form of pacifism. That approach slowly gave way to an acceptance of violence in defense of the innocent. Christian leaders eventually came to advocate force against heretics and nonbelievers, and even total war in the interest of defending and expanding the faith. These so called defenders of faith are in the eyes of the law, righteous and there kills are just. Killing civilians is also justified in the eyes of the law as long as it is for/in the name of god. This is not right, it is horrible and cruel

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