Persuasive Essay On Miranda Rights

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I believe law enforcement/police officers must and should be required legally to read Miranda rights under all circumstances no matter how challenging the circumstances may be. Mostly because, no one person or even groups of people have all the information involving suspects and the crime event. It is law enforcement’s duty to gather as much evidence and information as legally possible with the assumption or idea that a suspect is “innocent” until proven guilty legally. I even understand how managing “time” is extremely important in crime scene and engaging with suspects. People’s safety, liberty are at stake and NO ONE should take that lightly. Law enforcement is a challenging and difficult role, but learning how to utilize 1-2 minute Miranda …show more content…

By wavering his or her rights allows more chances to implicate their involvement in criminal activities and behavior. When law enforcement asks questions regarding a suspect’s name, address, date of birth and even profession it is not considered an interrogation but questioning “basic” identifying facts. If a suspect exercises a right to remain silent, being questioned about basic identifying facts is not considered incriminating. Other exceptions to Miranda rule is an incarcerated informant, who is aiding law enforcement in hopes of milking a confession from a suspect which can be used later legally. Securing public safety, more recently involving the Patriot Act, suspected terrorists and threatening attacking activities offer reasons for exceptions to Miranda rights. In order for information from an interrogation to be used legally as evidence, law enforcement must read a suspect’s Miranda rights before questioning. Without communicating Miranda rights a suspect’s responses will usually be inadmissible in court. To avoid a suspect(s) “getting off” from their perceived crimes, law enforcement must be diligent and careful throughout the detaining, interrogating process. By stating clearly and taking the time to communicate the Miranda rights to a suspect with a credible witness, will ensure a high probability that information given and used will be

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