Persuasive Essay On Internet Protection

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The Internet has become a growing source of entertainment and a way to attain information quickly over the years. With the rapid growth rate, the amount of people that using the Internet increases quickly, therefore, increasing the amount of content it holds. People use the Internet for many different reasons and don’t think twice about what they’re seeing or saying, and that’s why some enforce Internet protection. However, others support individuals being able to do as they please without restrictions. The many different standpoints on this topic lead to the growing debate of, Internet censorship. It is the control of what can be published, accessed, or viewed on the Internet. The importance of Internet protection varies from country to country, some having moderate protection and others barely giving their citizens personal freedom. Countries that don’t agree with giving their citizens personal freedom through the Internet are outside of the United States. They have supported Internet censorship since the beginning of technology and over time, their levels of security have risen. …show more content…

Internet censorship is acceptable to a certain extent, but shouldn’t be taken too far because we are individuals who deserve personal freedom and expression. Many precautions can be taken to enforce protection without having to have the government or higher authorities watching your every move. The government should not have control over the Internet and overlooking what individuals can and cannot see, protection should be taken into the hands of the individuals. The First Amendment and the United States believing in personal freedom and rights can support my position on Internet censorship. Further into reading, you will notice how the First Amendment takes a role into my topic of debate and how it makes a bigger impact in the dispute than one would

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