Persuasive Essay On Homelessness

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Throughout time, man searches to gain knowledge, to rise up on a path towards the infinite expanse of the unknown; however, a large part of humanity is left in the dust unable to rise. Homeless people have always struggled to sustain themselves, however now more so than ever before, there is a near impossibility that the homeless might be able to get back on their feet and build themselves back into a healthy life. The poor have lost the ability to climb, as they have lost access to the necessary materials and requirements in our ever expanding world. The truest issues of homelessness lie in education and disability. 40% of all american homeless people are disabled. To see things on a local level, Chicago currently has about 125,848 homeless Chicagoans ( For an ever growing and expanding city, it is sad to see a great number struggling to find a place to call home. This issue springs from the inability to find work, or work that supplies enough to keep a home. …show more content…

Homeless do not find enough education to get jobs that would provide sufficient income. This is because the American populace has grown to the point where a degree is required or heavily suggested for well being. For example, in order to hold a job at Menards, at least in Yorkville, one is required to have a high school diploma. According to the National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youths, two thirds of all homeless adults do not have a high school diploma or GED equivalent ( Then, the issue has a circular path. Homeless cannot get proper educations as they do not have a stable income or place to go. The homeless also cannot get jobs, as they do not have the proper

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