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Guns are objects given power and necessity by people who are scared, people who are cowards. The amount of gun violence present in our society today is appalling. In a society such as this, it is amazing for anyone to be able to feel safe here even though anyone they pass on the street could be armed. The Constitution established by our founding fathers grants the American people the right to bear arms. This right was given to our country in order to make us feel safe and give us the ability to protect ourselves and our families from criminals. Mass amounts of shootings, such as we have seen increase over the past century, compromise this American right, and the beautiful portrait of America’s ideal society our founding fathers dreamed of has …show more content…
Sarah Brady addressed the Democratic National Convention meeting in August 1996, stating that every year nearly forty thousand Americans were killed with firearms and every two hours another child dies from gun violence (DeConde). This was when Clinton was running for office, and other then recruiting Mrs. Brady to rile up the Democrats, and passing a couple of minor laws, not much else was able to be accomplished in regards to the violence of guns. During the Clinton administration, a lot of the blame for the school shootings was placed on the entertainment industry (DeConde). With all of the new violent videogames kids were playing and the movies they were watching, it was assumed that they were the catalyst for the rise in gun violence. Clinton did, however try to make some significant strides in ending these killing sprees. He increased prison sentences for felons committing a crime with a gun, passed a bill allowing lawbreaking kids to be treated as adults, and prohibited gun sales to anyone who had committed a violent crime as a child (DeConde). These strides took the legislation in the right direction, however, it never fully reached the laws our nation needed to stop the …show more content…
Having regulations for each individual state has the potential for terrible things. A gun can be smuggled across state boarders and if it is illegal in one state, it is easy to go to another to purchase it. Background checks should be required no matter where you by a gun, even at gun shows. All weapons must be registered in the United States, because as of now, there are no laws preventing anyone from going to another country and bringing firearms back. In addition, it should be illegal to have a gun in a public place, because schools are not the only targets. Think of it this way: it is illegal to yell “Fire” in a public place, so it should also be illegal to have a firearm in public. Lastly, guns that are military grade, such as snipers, automatics and machine guns, should not belong to anyone, there is no need for such heavy artillery. A world with stronger restrictions on guns and a more careful process of distribution, will be a safer place for everyone. Hopefully those in charge of our country can realize the severity of the crisis at hand and pass legislation to end this evil. Over the past sixteen year, there have been over two-hundred and sixty five school shootings in the United States (Roberts). This alarming average of almost seventeen school shootings a year since the spring of 1999, should be enough to warrant a claim for some serious gun regulations in
The United States being the leader in per-capita gun deaths among industrialized nations, massive shooting such as Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Virginia Tech, and an average of 33 people dying in the United States everyday due to gun related violence are all reasons that we not only should, but need to regulate gun laws.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” is stated in the United States Constitution as the Second Amendment. Several Americans wish to rid of guns from citizens, disobeying and disrespecting the Constitution. I shot my first gun when I was young and have always been surrounded by them. My neighbor does not leave the house without carrying one, nor does my eighteen year old friend. Never once have I felt unsafe or uneasy knowing that there was a gun close to me. The right to bare arms has become a popular local battle in which some people want to reduce the freedom of one owning firearms while others wish for the
‘Useless laws weaken necessary laws.’ --- Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu (1689-1775) Importantly, gun ownership doesn’t create a violent society, but lenient gun control does. Nevertheless, bans do not make something disappear, rather harder to control! Therefore a strict, uniform federal gun control system is far more essential so as to ensure no collateral effects of any gun uses!
This nation was built on the right to bear arms, but this freedom is more controversial than ever. With all the school shootings and gun violence in America today at some point it may seem that just too take away all guns may be the answer to this problem. In defense, this is not the answer. If someone wants to commit a crime, gun laws will not stop them from obtaining the weapon. It is like a drug. Drugs are illegal, but every day you see someone either with, on, or recovering from a drug habit. What about for defense right to own guns to protect your family if part of your constitutional rights. Rights that are supposed to be unalienable rights. Although in this day in time, they are always trying to take away guns either by trying to pass laws or taxing guns and ammo which almost makes guns unaffordable for middle class normal American families.
The second amendment grants all Americans the right to bear arms. The ability to hold a firearm at any time as long as the firearm is registered. In the United states, all it takes to hold a firearm is a background check and a safety class. In a short reading from the “American Now” book a short article By Christina Tenuta called Responsible gun ownership saves lives she asks “do Americans really need guns?”, but are the guns really the problem? Although the second amendment requires some decent documents , the qualifications to obtain a firearm needs to be revised to a mental check, a family history check , and also to make it a priority for reinforcement to check on the registered firearm every six to twelve months.
Imagine enjoying a movie at Cinema 10, eating a meal at Taco Bell, or even sitting in a history class at Carman-Ainsworth High School while people all around you are carrying loaded guns! Although this may seem unbelievable, it is possible because the second amendment of the United States Constitution gives citizens the right to possess and carry guns. It is understandable that Americans would want to possess guns such as shotguns and rifles for the popular sport of hunting. However, it is ridiculous that our government would allow people to carry handguns. Handgun possession should be strictly limited, because they are made solely to kill people, they have increased the murder rate in the U.S., and they have even allowed children to easily kill other children.
At present there are numerous regulations and restrictions on firearms imposed by the government. However there are no national mandated requirements or all encompassing legislation. The laws in place vary from state to state and are in some cases are poorly enforced. Hard evidence as to the effectiveness of these present regulations is ambiguous. The question as to how the government and society deals with gun control is unique to the USA. In a complex issue such as gun control both sides of the equation have valid arguments to be h...
Take a look at the history of our country and the role guns have played in it. According to the second amendment gun ownership is perfectly legal and guaranteed as a right. There were and are good reasons for this, luckily they are still practiced today. Back in the day guns used to be for hunting and, on the occasion self defense. But when the colonists of this country had enough of British rule, they picked up there own personal guns and went to war and the British saw first hand how powerful the rough band of average American gun owners were. Our forefathers knew that the general population if armed would be key in winning the war. And it was.
The second amendment to the US Constitution shows that it is unconstitutional to have complete and total gun control. The second amendment states that “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” This means that it is the right of an American citizen, abiding by the constitution, has the right to bear arms. Currently, there are over three hundred and seven billion people residing as American citizens. Within the homes of these Americans, forty five percent have a registered gun in their household. As a diverse nation, there are many reasons why there are guns located within a household. Sixty percent stated the gun is used for protection against int...
Written on December 15, 1791 was the second amendment of the constitution. It states that "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."(Cite)? United States citizens have used guns for various reasons that include protection, hunting, and sporting reasons. The topic on gun control is a very complex topic that is discussed daily. It is such a big issue that it has both the democrats and republicans firmly established in their positions. One of the main reasons this has been such an important topic in recent years is because of all the murders and massacres that have happened recently in the United States. As our newly nominated president, Donald
There is one reaction that is always to be expected after a mass shooting, and that is the call for an increase in control. This can be defined in numerous different ways, and can include a great deal of different aspects. People who call for an increase gun control in the wake of mass shootings are, in general, people who believe that more guns means more crimes. Gun control advocates cite studies that state, “Higher gun prevalence is associated with an increase in homicides, and suicides, and possibly even more residential burglaries” (Ludwig 17). Often times, after mass shootings, those in favor of more gun control look to countries like Australia, Canada, Great Britain and Japan, and their strict gun policy and cite this as the direction
July 20, 2012, marks a day of mourning and injustice. Across the country, teary-eyed Americans, overwhelmed with shock and despair, read the headlines that covered every media outlet. The mere mention of the name “James Holmes” caused people to shudder in horror. How could one man be so incredibly malicious and destructive? Detailed plans of his mass murder were written down, and they revealed his malevolent heart. It is impossible to comprehend the amount of malice and hostility Holmes contained in his sinister soul.
Gun rights are the source of much controversy in today’s society. People have been skeptic after the multiple shootings that happened in the past few years. Recently, the NRA has been under constant threat by Congress. Background checks are not effective as planned. In order to keep the gun rights, changes need to be made in order to prevent gun control from being created.
Gun control is an issue that has been debated over in the United States for years. It has recently become more of a hot issue, due to random gun violence sweeping the nation and thousands of guns on victims such as Trevon Martin, school children and movie goers end up wounded( physically and mentally) or dead. The growing concern of gun violence have persuaded many government officials and American citizens to support heavier gun control laws. However, many government officials and citizens still are unwilling to support stricter gun control. Which is solely due to the Second Amendment, which states, "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms." As a part of the US Constitution, it supports the individuals rights to own firearms and causes people to feel like there is no need to have stricter gun laws: however, I disagree with the Second Amendment to an extent. The government shouldn't be allowed to restrict the ownership of guns to the point it is hard to obtain a gun, nor should it let us have excessive amounts of freedom with guns. I truly feel there needs to be a middle ground in which people can be content with guns.
Additionally, more laws and policies such as the Brady Law need to be either updated or increased especially given their effectiveness. Politicians need to stop being influenced by big money and actually take these matters seriously. Politics are suppose to help people not harm them and you are suppose to be a politician so you better society not yourself. If we had less selious politicians than more would get done and greater stronger laws would be enacted and the brady law would not stand on its own. According to a study by the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence the percentage of recovered crime guns that were traced to dealers in for in the four Brady states was greater for guns purchased before the Act took effect when compared to guns