Persuasive Essay On Gender Violence

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Gender violence is something that happens every day, but is not always seen. It occurs in many instances whether it be within positions of power within our country, within relationships, or within the family. It may not be what many people believe “violence” to be specifically, it can simply mean anything that lessens someone in any way because of their gender. According to health-gender, gender violence is “the general term used to capture violence that occurs as a result of the normative role expectations associated with each gender, along with the unequal power relationships between the two genders, within the context of a specific society.” Like the definition states, gender violence occurs from the various beliefs of what …show more content…

With the recent election, there have been many conversations about whether or not Trump is the right fit for President based on his many demeaning comments about women throughout the media. “had bragged about groping women without permission and was accused of sexual misconduct by more than a dozen women over his lifetime” ( All of his comments and actions are centered around the sexuality of women, which is why he believes it is acceptable for him to do and say such things. Now, many Americans will believe that because women are often sexualized, they are simply sexual objects to be played around with. It has been evident already what Donald has caused in our nation regarding gender violence. Men are walking around in the streets using women and also talking about women freely in a sexual manner. This is not what America should be, but it is what it may become. Not only has gender violence been a problem with white women, but Trump has also worsened the issue with his comments on other races, particularly those from Mexico. He believes that those who traveled from Mexico to the United States should go back where they belong, which is not going to help the issue of gender violence in America. Because he believes this, women of those races will be looked down upon even more, which is an example of

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