Persuasive Essay On Foam Trays

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Schools should refrain from using foam lunch trays because it contributes to the earth’s ongoing environmental problems. As Lynh Bui from the Washington Post writes, “Los Angeles Unified, the second largest public school district in the nation, switched to compostable paper trays in August. The change got national attention after middle school activists strung up a 30 foot tower of foam trays in a tree to spotlight waste.” ( Thus proving that the amount of foam trays has lead to buildups of them in the trash which end up just laying there. The foam trays eventually break up into smaller foam pieces.These pieces of foam could harm animals which could possibly be poisoned by them because the foam is toxic. Not only are …show more content…

More foam trays means there is a bigger build up of them. Thus causing the foam trays to be burned because they cannot be recycled, consequently causing more air pollution from the toxic fumes being emitted from the trays being burned. This also damages the ozone layer which is vital to survival. It also pollutes lungs which means breathing problems for many people who live near incinerators. Removing these from schools would prevent these problems from happening all-together As composes, “The chemical styrene, a major component in of styrene foam food containers, has been categorized as a “reasonably anticipated to be carcinogen” by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Styrene is toxic and pollution from the start and ongoing.” ( ( Hence proving that getting rid of foam trays throughout school in the U.S. would help the environment by getting rid of certain harmful chemicals. With this in mind, pollution and harm to the environment would go

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