You do not need student loans to attend college. They have other options for you to pay for college such as grants, scholarships, or financial aid. These will help cut the cost but you don’t have to pay them back. You could also work to pay for college as you go, called cash-flow. This is a way to pay of college as you go through it so that you don’t have to pay a loan off later. Using scholarships, grants, or financial aid is a great way to cut the cost of school. The most common financial aid is called Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA for short. The FAFSA is a form that is completed annually by current and prospective college students to determine their eligibility for financial aid. Many students are also able to apply for grants or scholarships which will help pay off …show more content…
A cash-flow plan would be a way to spread out your cost over the course of your college education. You would pay as you go, meaning that you pay for your books and classes for the semester and work to save up for the classes next semester so that you don’t take out a loan. You could easily plan a way to budget this without having to give up much spending cash and it will save you from trouble down the road. If you had scholarships or grants with this also, you might not have to save much at all. Even though budgeting might seem like a pain, it will be a lot easier than paying off years of debt. One could argue that taking out a student loan is needed, but I believe that you can attend college without one. Student loans might seem like an easier path at the time because you want to assume that you will have a high paying job right after college, but that’s not always the case. Almost forty-one percent will fall behind on their loans and these loans won’t even go away. Students loans are one of the hardest things to pay off so you should avoid them by any means
Along with scholarships, fellowships, and grants, student loans are an important method of financing post-secondary education. With tuition costs rising, more students are borrowing to pay for college education today. However, not all students realize the burden of paying back their student loans. Many are defaulting.
Even though choosing to go to college is something that takes a lot of thought, there’s still the idea of how to pay for it. That topic is touched by Robin Wilson in his article, “A Lifetime Of Student Debt? Not Likely.” In his article he talks about how taking out student loans isn’t as bad as it sounds. He argues that taking out student loans is something that you won’t notice in the future, they’ll just be like other bills that need to be paid. Most people who do have student loans, are still able to live a comfortable life, not scrabbling like most would
Employers consider a degree necessary for getting a job at their company. However, not many people can afford college. The solution is to take out loans, then college becomes affordable. These loans create a whole different issue, student loan debt. This can affect people their whole lifetime and has been happening for years upon years. But, in the more recent years America is starting to shed more light onto the issue and are becoming curious on why colleges charge twenty five thousand dollars, or more, for a year of education. Many different countries offer free college, but in America student loan debt keeps getting worse.
As students near the end of the academic year, they are constantly faced with some of the same choices the generations before them have been presented with too. The biggest question a lot of seniors in high school have to answer is if they are going to be attending college or not. There are a lot of legitimate reasons as to why a person might not attend a college, but I personally feel like everybody should have a higher education if they have the opportunity to do so. One of the biggest reasons that people do not have the opportunity to pursue higher levels of school is the fact that they do not have enough money to pay for it. With the staggering amount of debt, the majority of students incur in college, it is becoming a
Attending college has changed quite a lot throughout the years. When it first arose, it was only accessible to the wealthy, and it was unheard of for everyone else. Only a few decades ago a bachelor degree could almost guarantee a comfortable job, and it was another advantage to any resume. In our current times, many students struggle and are unable to go to college due to the rising price tag that is not showing any signs of slowing down. A college degree is what most employers look for now-a-days, making it more essential than ever before. Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly difficult to attain one. College tuition and fees should be lowered because 1) student loan debt is crippling for college graduates, 2) lower tuition will increase the accessibility of education, and 3) regulated tuition would lead to a
If college counseling is to help students with college and this counseling would be better to
In that case, students might consider loaning options. In order to use a federal loan to pay for the education, it is a must to be enrolled in a federal program offered by an accredited school. Borrowers of the loan must maintain an acceptable academic standards. According to “How to Pay for College”, “The undergraduate Stafford loans have an interest rate as low as 4.66%, no application fee, and no payments until six months after you graduate”. Likewise, private loans can obtain from banks, credit unions, and other lending institutions. Students can directly apply for a loan, but, it will become their financial and legal responsibility to repay the loans. Federal loans are more advisable because private loan providers’ charges a higher interest
The United States is one of the leading suppliers of Foreign Aid in the world, and even though the US gives billions, European countries give aid money to the same countries, this causes many areas of the Middle East, Africa, and Asia to be almost fully dependent on foreign aid. This means that without aid from other countries, they would not be able to support themselves at all. Foreign aid is meant to help countries that are struggling with civil unrest, disease, or natural disasters, it is not meant to help keep the country out of debt, but that is where more and more of the US and The EU’s foreign aid budget is going. The question is, does all this money actually go where it is intended? It should be going towards the government and to help the people, but in many cases, the countries government does not have the resources to properly track the flow of money. The countries in most cases have poor infrastructure and corrupt or oppressive leaders, not always at a national level, but in the towns and cities. So this means there is almost no way to oversee the flow of foreign aid through the country, all we can see is that their situations aren't getting any better and the countries are still impoverished. If this is the case, where are the millions of dollars going? Countries like Afghanistan and Iraq receive the most money from American foreign aid and European aid, yet they are still under oppressive governmental rule and there is still an extreme difference between the rich and poor. Garrett Harding’s theory of “Lifeboat Ethics” exemplifies how not giving aid to others will allow the strongest of society to thrive, while teaching the impoverished to help themselves. He believes that giving aid to poor countries will only make ...
College education goes about the way to an effective future for people who are not kidding with it. Currently, a college education has turned in the base necessity in securing a job in different companies and although some people might think college is not worth the debt, in a long run it actually is.
Proper school funding is one of the keys to having a successful school. Americans believe that funding is the biggest problem in public schools. School improvements revolve around funding. There needs to be funding not only in the successful schools but also the schools that aren’t doing as well. In documentary, Waiting for Superman, it talks about how smaller class sizes will help students. Funding is what will help the smaller class sizes. State funding mechanisms are subject to intense political and economic scrutiny (Leonard). Studies have shown that funding is inversely related to accreditation levels (Leonard). School funding needs to be increased, but there must be accountability as well.
scholarships and many other forms of receiving money to be able to pay for college without
Education is a huge topic of controversy, society is always trying to reform what we know as education today. Right now, the first 12 years of education are entirely free for students directly, but in the end are paid for by the taxpayers of the town. The question is, why should only grades k-12 be free why not a college education too? On the other hand, there are some exceptions to free schooling at the k-12 levels. The most prominent being, Private schooling, most towns in the United States have at least one if not many private schools. They require a certain amount in tuition for each of its students every year. An example of this, in my town Salem, NH one of the most known private catholic schools is St. Joseph 's. I had a good friend a few years back
Riley Whitman 11/11/15 Editorial Free College Many Americans today still debate whether or not out government and country should fully implement free college. Those who are opposed to this idea are concerned with quality and accountability of education for all. For those in favor of the expansion of education, free college represents one of the great hopes for a better world. Even in the poorest nations, people believe and support in the funding of the expansion of universities and other higher learning opportunities are wise investments. Being a college student, I disagree with the idea that the U.S. should implement free college for all U.S. citizens.
activities are a crucial part of school because it shows you are involved into making your school
Many students worry about financial aid. Do not apply to a school because you don't think that you can't afford it. The people at college are trying to help you, and financial aid is one way that they do that. If you don't get enough money from a school, call them and tell them your situation. In most cases things can be worked out.