Persuasive Essay On Drunk Driving

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Drunk driving is increasing every year. There are teens drinking now , the adult rate is so high . Theres not really anything that authorities can do to prevent this unless they have a breathalyzer in the car to start it and you only have that when caught with a DUI. Some aren’t caught until they have already crashed and killed someone or themselves and its too late. The Percentage of adults that were caught with a DUI in 1997 and 1998 was more than 1.5 million. Imagine the percentage now . The decision making is what needs work on . People decide to put themselves in a vehicle while there is alcohol in their system. They're not thinking straight and the consequences and what can happen could be fatal. You can kill or injure yourself …show more content…

Two-thirds of the drunk driving problem comes from people who, before they kill or injure themselves or others, have yet to be arrested. That’s why we need to support law enforcement to help deter drunk drivers through proven solutions like sobriety checkpoints. It’s also why we strongly support research into technology that will eliminate drunk driving. Across the U.S. young people , some as young as 15 in other states other than AZ can obtain driver’s licenses under graduated license programs. Unfortunately these youthful drivers are prohibited from buying alcohol until age 21 . Car crashes alone are the number one killer of teens. Car crashes are high during a teens first year of driving because they haven't had as much practise . Knowing that fact , teens that are drunk driving ,there is 85% chance of them crashing . Most of theses crashes occur on the weekends because teens are most likely out at parties or out drinking with friends somewhere . Teens are most likely to get into vehicles of intoxicated drivers , putting themselves at risk just as much as the driver. Eight teens and 28 adults die every day in DUI crashes. Adult and teen drunk driving are both very dangerous and needs to be recognized more because it needs to stop. No one deserves to die and this can be stopped or the percentage needs to drop and slow down . Maybe

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