Sarah & Armageddon: A Journey Towards Independence

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One day, Sarah and armageddon were getting ready to leave sarah`s mom house. Also if you don't know who sarah is she is a blond head girl and her dog armageddon is a mixed pitbull and german shepherd this is him and armageddon is not like an ordinary dog he has strucks because he is afraid of planes because what happened last time we got a little wind disturbance and the plane was going ever where. So, it was the day of the move and armageddon was trying to hide under the bed but he was to big and sarah was nervous because she was going to New York city to find the a job because her mom was having to pay to much of the bills. So Sarah said her goodbyes and got armageddon fro under the bed and head out to the airport, so when they got to the airport Sarah was ready to go to …show more content…

But when she gets to her room the door is locked and sarah puts her ear up to the door armageddon is barking, so sarah says “hold on boy i'm coming” and thensilents sarah can no longer hear armageddon barking.But then aloud “shater” came from the back window, so sarah tries to break down the door but she could not. So sarah looks for her phone but then she realizes that she dropped it in the car, so she has to run back it the car and get her phone so she can call 911, but when she returns to her apartment room the door is wide open, she walks in cautiously into the room not knowing what's going to happen she gets to the living room and finds puddles of blood ever where and on the wall was a message written in blood saying “i know where you live sarah” she freaks out because how did this person know her name,while sobbing on the ground out of nowhere armageddon comes running with blood all over

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