Persuasive Essay On Competitive Sports

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Imagine a world where everyone in the league or tournament got a trophy just for participating. It would hurt because you wouldn’t get the spectacular recognition that you deserve for winning and being great. Competitive sports allow kids to get the recognition they deserve for over achieving. Competitive sports also allow kids to learn a lot of things from the game, make sure they’re fit and healthy, and lastly it makes kids strive and achieve for their goals. Therefore, competitive sports are, in fact, beneficial to kids. First of all, kids learn a lot of things from the games and sports that they can play. They learn really important life lessons. According to the experts at, kids can learn how to “...accept criticism, how to handle oneself under pressure…, work hard toward a goal, and how to win and lose graciously” (The benefits of Competitive Sports). This makes me think that if kids …show more content…

They can learn to strive for greatness, which is what I say to do. Something that kids can do is learn the phrase “practice makes perfect” and can learn this from actually practicing with their team and becoming better. This implies that while they are becoming better and practicing a lot, they will learn that the practice is to make them better. Not only does competitive sports do this, but also it is entertainment to these kids. NYU Child Study Center states, “1. Basketball: over 4 million players; 2. baseball: over 2 ½ million players; 3. outdoor soccer: over 2 million players; 4. touch football: about 2 million players; 5. court volleyball: almost 2 million players” (The Statistics about Competitive Sports). This tells us that kids don’t play it just to strive for their goals; they do it because they love it. They have a passion for their favorite sports. If competitive sports were taken away from kids, they wouldn’t have as many opportunities to learn the importance of goal-setting and hard

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