Persuasive Essay On Charity

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When I was young, canned food drives were a prevalent act of “charity”. It was common to see that if a person donated, that person had a good heart and had cared for the less fortunate, however there was a distinct amount of canned food donated by each class. Classes with teachers who gave extra credit to those who donated had more cans than their counterpart. It only seemed to make sense, it encouraged the audience to contribute in order to receive. It seemed ethical at the time, however the majority of the public seem to think otherwise. The general audience believes that if you use incentives then it is not ethical. Incentives are motives or reasons that encourages and motivates someone to do something. Ethics is a moral principle or a rule …show more content…

The public have said numerous of times that doing things for the sake of others and not for oneself is right. Which is ironic, because if you expect good things to happen to you as a result of you doing good for others is an incentive. However, giving to charity just for the sake of others is deemed by the public to be selfless, and ethically correct. The facts seem to point otherwise. Our action as an individual is dictated by our conscience, this conscience tells us what is right or wrong, it is our moral compass. Looking at the broader spectrum, humans are organisms that heavily rely on its community, therefore our action as a species are dictated by what allows us to continue to survive. If the meaning of being selfless is to do what benefit others without ever thinking about oneself then the acts that people commit and never ask for anything in return are also at fault. When someone who commits a “charitable” act and ask for nothing in return, it is because they themselves are doing it to make a difference. They feel a sense of mental peace, knowing they have done some good makes them feel good. Knowing this, the definition of being selfless would not apply here. Although they put the act of doing something good ahead of themselves, in the end they feel good knowing they made a difference and that is not selfless. All charitable acts done by anyone will always …show more content…

What can be seen as ethically right or morally right is something we do that affects ourselves or others positively without harming anyone. Kids donating canned foods for extra credit and billionaires donating millions of dollars for tax reduction has nothing ethically incorrect about it. The motive behind these acts of charities may not be genuine but it is neither morally wrong nor ethically flawed. What is morally wrong or ethically flawed is doing something for the benefit of yourself, and in addition the harming of others. Those who harm others for the sake of just harming others are known as sociopaths and have mental disorders. They have no regard for the benefit of the human race and take joy in the downfall of others. With the fine line between what is ethically right and wrong we could now conclude that it is not ethically flawed. With many examples, like wealthy business men or business women donating for their benefit and the benefit of the charity no one is harmed. Teachers who are giving extra credit which these imaginary points, for the sake of the less fortunate having another day to eat does not inflict harm in anyway. If there is no harm for anyone by these charitable acts then, there is no reason for it to be morally or ethically wrong to have an incentive. Incentives only further boasts a broader spectrum of

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