Persuasive Essay: Life On Other Planets

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Persuasive Essay
Life on other planets

How plausable is it that life in outer space exists? Or perhaps, are we alone in the cosmos? Given the sheer enormity of the universe, this question is seemingly unanswerable. However, technological advancements regarding telescopes and other space related equipment are bringing astronomers and scientists closer than ever to finding the answer.

Despite the fact that humans have no proof of life outside of Earth, the majority consensus among many of the leading space-related organizations, such as NASA, as well as many astronomers and scientists argue that life outside of Earth is entirely possible, and in fact, probable. An article on the Dailymail written by Dr. Sara Seager, a US planetary scientist, …show more content…

Seager's claims. At their Washington headquarters, a panel of space program scientists announced their estimation that "Humans will find extraterrestrial life within twenty years". The panelists even went as far as to say that the twenty year estimate was "Conservative". (, 2014). It is important to note that life by definition, means a "System of material entities that can undergo evolution, which implies reproduction, mutation and selection." (, 2014). Many of the general public fail to realzie that astronomers and scientists are not exclusively looking for a alien civilization. At this time, the more plausable life form that is likely to be found are small micro-organizmes that are found in even the harshest of Earth's climates, such as the …show more content…

Scientists will be looking to find microorganisms like these on planets such as Mars, as it is known to have similar vents on its surface. (, 2014). During their meeting, they also outlined their plan to search for alien life and told the media that they would be launching the "Transiting Exoplanet Surverying Satelitte" in 2017. (, 2014).

NASA outlined its plan to search for alien life, and said it would launch the "Transiting Exoplanet Surveying Satellite" in 2017. Shortnamed "T.E.S.S.", the Explorer-class planet finder will identify planets ranging from Earth-sized to gas giants, by monitoring the brightness of over 500000 stars. NASA calculates that as many as a hundred million habitable worlds in the Milky Way Galaxy alone may be home to extraterrestrial life. (,

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