Persuasive Essay Homelessness

1937 Words4 Pages

Ava Saeedian
Families in Canada ISP

We are living in an advantageous world, With technology, and enough money to be in a reliable economic situation. Yet people live on the streets everyday. Homelessness is a rising issue in all parts of the world. The disturbing reality of the number of people living on the streets has become the harsh truth and has been considered the norm. The exact amount of homeless people living within our world is hard to come by. However, the evidence supporting the issue of the homeless being problematic is plentiful and powerful. Homelessness is seen as an issue that occurs mostly in developing countries, on the contrary, homelessness occurs everywhere. Canada, being one of the most developed countries has one of the highest rate of homelessness within their nation. With the amount of money available today it should be no problem to find solutions and to provide adequate futures for the homeless.

Homelessness is a critical issue in today’s society. Men, women, and youth are all faced with it daily. The many causes of homelessness can vary according to the circumstances and the surroundings which one finds themselves. Drug use, abuse, unemployment and poverty, all common problems which many people face everyday, are all examples of why homelessness exists. There is an extreme differentiation regarding the causes of homelessness in the developed and developing countries of the world when taking into consideration that they are not in similar positions. Many homeless people are often drug abusers whose addiction has caused them to lose control of their life. Some are victims of mental illness which in many cases often leads to crime or violence. Whether someone is a chronic or transitional...

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...untries took into consideration the factors that caused homelessness, they could better understand how to eliminate homelessness as a whole.

Homelessness has been a world wide epidemic for a vast amount of time. With the rising numbers of people on the street every day, more people are affected by the lifestyle that leads to one being homeless. It has become a severely major issue in today’s society, one that has proven difficult to put an end too. Homelessness is caused by a varying degree of factors ranging from drug addictions and mental illness, to abuse. The homeless lifestyle is subjected too the lives of many, from children to adults, due to increased threats of danger, violence and crime. Living in such an advanced time, with an excess of resources, we should be able to provide the right solution for ending the world wide epidemic that is homelessness.

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