Persuasive Essay Bullying

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Essay on bullying: should the schools or parents address it? “To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.” -Theodore Roosevelt-

Bullying is defined as unwanted, aggressive conduct amongst school-aged children or adults that involves a real or perceived power imbalance, threat, or injury. The behaviour is also repeated or has the potential to be repeated over a period of time. Bullying is also defined as aggressive behaviour towards peers. Children who were victims of bullying often suffer from repeated trauma. They become timid and developed an inferiority complex which can aggravate to extend that it may impact their future, academe, or in their social circle, or could even lead to death by suicide. It is a serious issue facing the Muscatine Community with the recent deaths in the last few years, and is of utmost …show more content…

These methods include physical, verbal, psychological, covert, and cyberbullying. Physical bullying includes hitting, kicking, pulling hair, or any damage to one 's property. Verbal bullying includes intimidation, racial or sexual remarks, or verbal abuse. Covert bullying is sometime referred to as social bullying, is often harder to recognise, and usually is carried out behind a person back. This is intend to harm someone’s social reputation while causing humiliation. Covert bullying includes lying and spreading rumours, mimicking unkindly, encouraging others to socially exclude someone, negative physical or facial gestures, or even playing nasty crude jokes to embarrass the person. Cyber bullying can be overt or covert bullying behaviours using digital technologies, including hardware such as computers and smartphones, and software such as social media, instant messaging, texts, websites and other online

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