Persuasive Essay Bullying

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Bullying in schools is something that is currently on going and most likely never disappear on its own. Bullying is the unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance ( Although, bullying is not new it is becoming more prevalent today. Socially withdrawn, shy, and reserved children are prime targets of bullying (Juvonen, 2007). For many years bullying has been put off as a sort of rite of passage, everyone must go through it. Many adults today will say that they have been involved in bullying as child and it just faded. That was okay in the past, but today many children are hurting themselves as a result to bullying. To try to help with bullying one must know the …show more content…

Name calling is most common in this type of bullying. Special needs students are typically the target for verbal bullying. Targets of verbal bullying are usually picked on based on their appearance, intelligence, and even their cultural background. The bully in this case may just be insecure themselves and pick on others to make them feel better. This type of bullying is the second most common type of bullying with physical bullying being the first. Many adults today can relate to verbal bullying as something that they did or witnessed in school. Social bullying is a result of rumors ruining someone’s reputation. Social bullying is also known as relational bullying. Various studies show that girls tend to be more involved in social bullying. Targets of social bullying are usually left out of the group and left feeling unwanted. A good example of this would be the movie Mean Girls. The popular girls acted as a group of the elite and excluded others out of their groups of friends. The girls in the movie also spread rumors about others that were and were not in their group so that they would stay on …show more content…

Parents should also be trained how to recognize bulling. Schools could create an anti-bullying program for parents. Parents, teachers, and school counselors should work together as a team to create purposeful program (Delattre & Delattre 1993). This program should help parents with tips on what to do if their child is being bullied. The parents will learn target questions to ask their child to see if they are a bully or being bullied. Parents need to know their options to help their child so this program will come in handy. They also need to know that they have the school support in helping their

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