Persuasive Essay About Recycling

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To start, What? We are letting our planet go to complete waste? This is absurd! Everyone needs to start recycling, even if it is just a small amount, every little segment of help is crucial. As of now, the way us humans are living right now, we are filling planet Earth with our waste. Therefore, creating the earth a big pile of trash. Thus, everyone pitching in to recycle will decrease the amount of waste put on the earth. Not to mention, the amount of space it would free up. Little do many people realize, the average human leaves almost five pounds of trash daily. Think about that on a larger scale, such as, five multiplied by seven billion. It adds up very quickly. Additionally, here are a few things recycling with do to greatly decrease that amount of trash.

First, recycling is not that much work. The recommended amount of time spent recycling is as little as a few minutes per day. As stated by MWS total, as little as ten percent of people actually recycle accordingly. Less than one billion people out of seven billion actually do what is required. In the passage it states, " Planners fell short of their goal, but it was still an improvement compared to previous olympics. Over seventy percent of the eight thousand tons of waste generated during the games was recycled." This was not what the goal was, …show more content…

Obviously, this would not be entirely impossible, but it would be extremely unlikely. In the passage it states, " Companies such as, Honda, Subaru, General Motors, and Ford started zero waste programs in the early and mid two thousands." Actions such as this is what the world needs to help make Earth a much more clean place to live. Therefore, if most people put forth the effort into this project, I think we would have a much more clean place to live. Also, the passage states,In two thousand nine, San Francisco, California, passed a law that called for zero waste, and made recycling and composting

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