Persuasive Essay About Overfishing

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We've recently learned that overfishing is an even bigger problem than we thought and fish are declining faster than we thought. Japan's commercial fishing activities -- sonar tracking devices and huge purse seine nets -- to catch vulnerable Pacific bluefin tuna exemplify everything that's wrong with overfishing.

No Eggs, No Next Generation

As reported in Yale e360, small-scale Japanese fishermen are fighting the big guys to save the disappearing tuna and to save their livelihoods. Before industrial fishing practices started, the Pacific bluefin tuna was abundant. But Japan's industrial fishing targeting the Pacific bluefin tuna's spawning grounds is accelerating the decline: thousands of congregated fish are scooped up in giant nets and sold to corporations like Nippon Suisan Kaisha and Maruha Nichiro Corporation. And this is only one of two confirmed spawning sites. …show more content…

That's why in 2014, 347 Japanese fishermen took the bold step of forming their own organization (Iki Association to Think About Tuna Resources) to lobby for fairer rules. Even though these small fishermen depend on the tuna for the livelihoods and sending their children to school, they took a pay cut by not fishing during the spawning season. Obviously, Japan's industrial fishing didn't follow suit. To date, Japan's government hasn't imposed a ban on the use of sonar tracking devices and huge purse seine nets in spawning

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