Persuasive Essay About Hunting

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My fondest memories in my sixteen years on this earth is the amazing times I have had hunting and enjoying the many wonderful things the great outdoors has to offer with my family. Hunting with family is a lot of fun and is a really big group effort for us. The amount of joy and adrenaline that come from past hunts is amazing and There is a lot of preparation for us when it comes to hunting, there are a lot of things to prepare for. All of that preparation pays off in the end when you harvest a beautiful animal, and everyone is proud that you have done that. Hunting is so much fun! Its also a lot of work! We prepare for hunting many months prior to the hunting season, to make sure we have the best hunt possible! We Plant food plots as a group, …show more content…

All of the blood sweat and tears pays off when you up there on the beautiful brisk morning, relaxing in the tree stand thinking to yourself “I hope I see something this morning, but even if I don’t it’s okay because it’s so beautiful and relaxing out here.” Then just about that time you here rustling in the leaves and you try and be as still and as quiet as you can be but your heart is about to beat out of your chest. Then an amazing whitetail buck with a ginormous rack walks out of the tree line and into the field right out in front of you it is walking closer and closer to you right within shooting range and turn board side you where you can make a perfect shot! Your heart is beating so hard and so fast you think the deer is going to be able to hear it. You can barely breath, you’re so excited and taken over by adrenaline. You try and take one last deep breath in and as you let it out real slow and start squeezing that trigger real slow. Then it’s like time stops all around you, you are squeezing and squeezing on that trigger. It seems like it’s taking forever but it’s really happening in a matter of seconds. Then finally it goes off, and you have an beautiful big racked buck laying in the field right in front of …show more content…

So you are shaking with excitement so much and your knees are knocking together up in your tree stand because you can’t wait to get down and see the buck up close for the first time and call everyone and ask for some help getting it loaded up in the truck to go field-dress it and take a bunch of pictures. Which will be used to show and brag to everyone you know about the nice buck you got. All of the guys are so proud of you and giving you high fives and wanting to take pictures with you it’s a great feeling. You can’t wait to tell everyone the story of how it happened, and how all of it went down. You obviously are going to exaggerate some things when telling your story too, like every good hunter, and fisherman

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