Persuasive Essay About Being Bilingual

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Bilingual is Better

Spanish is becoming a more popular language everyday and causing people to become bilingual for more reasons than one. After reading all of the separate articles and links, it is clear why being bilingual, not just with Spanish but any other language as well, is so important. Being bilingual is something to celebrate, be proud of, and could potentially help you in the long run with different health issues. Lots of times people, myself especially, look at learning a language as something that would be too hard, or take to much time. Though learning a new language is both time consuming and hard work, the benefits in the end are much greater.
Reading the first article about different motivations on why someone should not only learn a different language but also want to learn it really opened my eyes. For obvious reasons, like wanting to pass class or get college credits, yes, but it truly is much more than that. I have personally always wanted to travel. To me to be able to travel anywhere would be something that I could only dream of. Attending a different country that may speak Spanish, for example. Before, I would simply be a tourist …show more content…

These programs are designed to help students travel, get credit hours for school, and learn new languages/ cultures. I think its amazing that our university offers students so many different places to go, and would love to actually be able to do something like this one day. The amount of knowledge someone can receive and their abilities to more comfortably communicate with people would immeasurably improve. In my opinion there is likely not a better way to try and really learn/ understand a second language other than actually attending a place where it is their native language. Getting first hand knowledge and experience would be an amazing learning

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