Persuasion: to convince my father to stop smoking

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Persuasion: to convince my father to stop smoking

I battled with my father to stop smoking ever since I knew smoking was harmful. Sometimes, I just wanted to set fire to all his cigarettes, especially when he coughed in pain. Moreover, after a sweet morning hug, I had to endure the nauseating smell of cigarette smoke lingering on my clothes the whole day.
Every possible way to discourage my father from smoking had been carried out: I hid every cigarette found in home, complained about the remaining odor, and even pretended to be affected by secondhand smoke, coughing sharply. However, nothing turned out to be helpful. As a businessman, my father was specialized in distinguishing whether we were acting faking or not. To make matters worse, he was encouraged to smoke in his office!
My father always covered himself up by quoting street wisdom: “If a man was accustomed to smoking for a long time, it would be more than devastating for him to give it up, because his system would be disrupted.” It was a good excuse because no member in our democratic family would debate him.
And then an unexpected thing happened. One of my father’s colleagues, who was young and promising, passed away of lung cancer. Apparently, the tragedy lied in excessive smoking. I heard it from my parent accidently, when my father said that the young man died of a blood clot, a disease due to smoking.
At that time, I realized that I had to do something serious before it is too late. It was actually an optimum chance to make a change. However, I was sure that I could not make it by myself. Then I organized a meeting without the presence of my father, trying to make a difference by collected wisdom. During this meeting, all of our family agreed on the fact that my f...

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...g the period I leave, my mother will be the one that supervise my father. My mother was a traditional housewife who treasures the devotion her husband gives for the whole family, never putting up with opposite ideas toward my father. Obviously she deserves trusting now because what we were dealing with now was the health of the person we love most.
The happy thing was that we could clearly observe his change, mentally and physically. Instead of surfing online with non-stop cigarettes, my father tends to go out with my mother for shopping stuff in his leisure time.
Persuading my father gives up bad hobby really pumped the atmosphere of our family. My father admitted that as soon as he decided to give up, cigarette is no more attractive like before. He doesn’t cough and feel sick every morning anymore. This use of rhetoric benefit both speaker and audience.

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