Personal Student Assessment

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Analyzing the different assessment indicator tests online and throughout the textbook material was fun for me. It helped me determine, understand, compare and contrast my personality and learning styles and how I can effectively approach new material in work, school and in general, life situations. Developing these analysis on the various reports given to me, will help me in preparing for future job interviews, group work and work projects. The following explains in detail the results of each of my assesments and what I found to be interesting about them.

First and foremost, the achievement assessment, I did not find this particular assessment to be all that helpful. I do enjoy reflecting and analyzing my past experiences, however placing …show more content…

The results yield the same results as my Myer Briggs assessment that I will discuss in the next paragraph. In my personal and work learning styles I tend to seek advancement, I am always striving for more, and better. I know by working hard I will be able to advance quicker. Whether I am seeking to get better grades, by studying harder and really trying to understand the material, or trying to reach a higher position within my company, by putting in extra hours, and going above and beyond what is asked of me. In that I find myself striving for personal growth, I know in order to get better, and be more advanced I need to allow room everyday for personal growth. I’ve always enjoyed the saying, “A day of learning nothing is a day of waste.” This ties into my psychological wants and needs, I want to learn and grow, work hard, to achieve at what my mind is on in the moment, to have a balance between personal an work atmospheres and to have stability in my life. These results tie into my personality style assessement and personal and work assessments in the textbook. I find that I am constantly looking for ways to innovate myself into new management techniques and lifestyle, and I feel as if the results reflect that …show more content…

The first assessment online analyized my strengths and weaknesses and showed me how to best play them to my benefit. I received a 4.57 out of a 5.0 scale on SELF. Meaning, I have a good sense of self-worth and who I am. I enjoy spending time by myself to reflect on ideas. I acknowledge small details that I want to fix and pride myself in growth. The results state that I like to work on projects myself, which is true,and that I best learn from trail and error, also true. The advice it gave me is to keep a journal and allow time in the day to reflect on new ideas and information. Lastly, to discuss my learning styles, the results yield a fairly well balanced scale from active and reflective learners (1), sensing and intuitive learners (1), visual and verbal learners (3), and sequential and global learners (3). Meaning that depending on the situation, I can easily adapt to the way I need in order to best understand the material, which also coincides with the results I dicussed in the first assessment

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