Personal Statement: What Gifts Are Still Important

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What gifts (tangible or in intangible) are still important to you? Life, it is great to be alive. The car that was given to me is important to me because it allows me to get where I need to go. What were the crucial decisions in your life? Really the only crucial decisions in my life were whether or not I was going to go to college and what am I going to do with my degree. How do you handle disappointment? I do not handle disappointment very well. I usually try and have low expectations so that when something does not go as planned or expected I do not feel as bad, but this never really works. One day I hope to handle disappointment better than I currently do because being upset about something does not help the situation. Are you satisfied with the life choices you have made? Yes, I am satisfied with the life choices that I have made. I have never really done …show more content…

What are some things you hope you never forget? I hope to never forget the ones I hold dear even after they are gone, the best memories in my life, and where I came from. I want to remember what I went through in order to get where I am so that I appreciate everything more and do not take anything for granted. What is your biggest worry now? I worry about a lot of things, but my biggest worry is that I will never have children. I know this is probably bad to say, but I sometimes think that if I worry about not being able to have children then it will come true. I try to not think about this, but I randomly find myself worrying about how I may be unable to have children, thankfully if this is true I will still be able to adopt. In what ways are you changing now? I am working on being more positive, being negative is terrible and has no benefit. It has been difficult, but I like to think that I am a more positive person than I once was. What has been the greatest challenge of your life so

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