Personal Statement : Special Education Instructors

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There are many requirements in special education that requires a special education instructor to be adjustable and understanding in every situation. In order to meet the needs of the various disabilities that an instructor will face”effortive problem solving strategies to facilitate student learning, co-teach with general educators and apply effective accountability measures”(Hardman, Drew, Egan, 2014,p.70). This often required to meet the establish goals that the instructor/plan establish during the Individualized Educational Plan. Not to mention, instructors must become creative by with teaching instructions and observations of students in academic environment.
Timothy is an 11 year old boy and very small for his age group. He is currently in 6th grade inclusion environment, which means he spends half his time between special education, and general education classroom. Not to mention, the area where he really excels is in mathematics he is a fast learner, and usually the first one finish with his assignment. However, math is the only subject that he really can stay focused in, because he unable to stay focused during reading, language arts, social studies, and history.
Timothy displays many strengths in the academic environment. He is very outgoing student who will lend a helping hand to any of his classmates. His strengths are displayed in mathematics, but he is willing to help any of his fellow students with answering any problems. He often the first student to go to the smartboard when answering math problems. It is clear to everyone that this is his favorite time of the day at school, because he able to use his calculator on his Chromebook. Timothy normally is smiling and takes enormous amount of pride in turni...

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...the excitement in each student eyes, especially Timothy.
There are many requirements in special education that requires a special education instructor to be adjustable and understanding in every situation. Teaching special education to students with disabilities means being creative and diverse in your approach on how to present a lesson plan that will contribute to the student’s strengths in everyday activities. An instructor should be open minded to utilize assistive device within the classroom setting to help the student reach a clear understanding in the assignment. For this assignment I have learned that there is a lot of work toward creating a lesson plan that will help to making learning enjoyable for every type of learner. It is not just making a lesson plan that you want to fit, but what you know will work for the students in your classroom.

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