My path to become a physician assistant began on a typical Saturday after a football game. My father called my cell phone; I answered, thinking he was calling to congratulate me on the big win. “You need to come down to the hospital right now, this might be the last time you get to see your grandfather,” were the words he struggled to say. My heart sunk. I learned that my grandfather had suffered a stroke. I quietly stood in the corner of his hospital room as the medical staff poured in and out. That was one of the hardest, yet most influential nights I ever had to live through.
If it were not for the exceptional care provided by the medical staff in this critical situation, the outcome could have been anything but favorable. In the weeks following this incident, I spent many days at the hospital. Out of the entire medical staff, one person that stood out to me was the physician assistant. I had previous shadowing experience in a hospital setting, but I never realized the impact they made in peoples’ lives until I had personally experienced it standing next to my grandfather’s bed. Seeing the passion that she had for her work was something that I knew I wanted to reflect further upon in my own profession. That experience made me want
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Time management skills are also required to successfully manage the volume of patients that need to be seen and charted on a daily basis. They also have a unique working relationship with a doctor like that of a pilot and co-pilot, having the ability to practice medicine, virtually independently at times, while also being able to consult the doctor to ensure the utmost care in diagnosing and treating patients. I know that this role fits me well; I enjoy working with people, I work well in a team but can be independent, and I have good problem solving
Standing at the starting line of the full marathon I felt anxious and nervous. Not only was I excited to accomplish this goal, but also I was nervous about the difficulty of this task. However, when I crossed the finish line and accomplished this goal, I realized that a new and possibly more difficult goal was about to start. This goal was not only to complete Physician Assistant School but it was to strive to excel in a career as a Physician Assistant in a rural primary care setting. Driven by my intrinsic personal traits of leadership, compassion, and commitment, I am motivated to achieve this goal of excelling in my career as a Physician Assistant.
Ranked third by U.S. News and World Report on the list of “Best Health Care Jobs of 2017”, the Physician Assistant career has a 96 percent job-satisfaction rate, and represents one of the fastest growing jobs in the nation. Created as a position to relieve the job shortage of primary care physicians, Physician Assistants first came to be in the mid-1960s. Since then, the number of PAs in practice has just about doubled with every decade helping to improve health care not just nationally, but on a global level as well. Physician Assistants are licensed to practice medicine, prescribe medication, treat chronic illnesses, and assist in surgery in all 50 states under supervision of a physician. Although some medical practitioners perceive the role
The career I plan on pursuing in life is becoming a certified medical assistant. Medical assisting is one of the fastest growing careers in healthcare. To become a certified medical assistant you will have to achieve a certification through the certifying board of the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA). While you can work as a medical assistant without being certified, employers are often looking for someone skilled and qualified.
At Seton Hill, I will be a student of the 5-year physician assistant program. From visiting campus and interviewing with the PA program staff, I am confident that Seton Hill will shape me into a competent and compassionate medical professional. Furthermore, I am confident that my fellow students and I will have an opportunity to make a difference in the community. A main pillar of the physician assistant career is catering the underserved populations. With a simple internet search, anyone can deduce
I believe that people everywhere should always have access to adequate medical care. Where you live should not determine whether you live, and the PA profession was created to improve the availability of healthcare in rural and other underserved areas. As a PA, I would be eager to help people have not had access to the care they needed. I want to serve those that need medical attention but don’t have the means to obtain it—whether in rural Michigan, the inner-city of Atlanta, or the backwoods of Arkansas. Making great medical care accessible to all is crucial to improving public health, and it is a necessity across this country and the world. As a physician assistant,
My lifetime goal is helping others and I plan to use my career to fulfill it. The classes I’m taking right now and the ones I’m planning to take senior year are classes I believe will influence my decision in my college major/career as well as counting toward my GPA. This will help me get into schools who have medical programs that I’m considering. Also, taking AP classes can help me save money since I can earn college credit. I’m taking all AP classes, and the electives I’m taking have been classes that have helped me consider being in the medical field. I’ve found that over the years, science and math are what I’m doing better in versus history and english. I believe by being in the medical field, I can help others in the best way I can.
I know that by doing my job, no matter how different each patient may be, that I have made a difference in someone’s life. I am very content in my job knowing that there is an increasing need in healthcare. With the demand of healthcare today, there will always be a demand for physicians, and with the need of physicians there will always be a need for medical assistants. In this profession the rewards and opportunities will only continue to grow, and there is not a better place to than here in America, because like Ralph Waldo Emerson (journalist, poet, philosopher, and essayist) once said, “America is another name for
Physician Assistant is a career choice that entails various specialties and flexibilities that attracts many. Those who desires a path to practice medicine as soon as possible, PA 's lateral mobility allows that to happen. Compared to medical school, PA school requires less time and amount less debt. As the population grows and chronic diseases spreads, The future projection of PA is growing faster than the average careers.
At the end of volunteer services I have decided on a major, I am now striving to become a physician’s assistant. In this position, not only do I get to care for patients, but I am presented with the opportunity to change their lives. I will be able to see firsthand the diversity of cultures from around the world.
I had known for years that I wanted to work in the health care field, but I always believed it would be as a doctor. I watched for the first few years of my brother’s life as he struggled with different health challenges such as being born premature, having croup and breathing difficulty, and speech impairment. Watching my brother struggle and then being able to overcome these difficulties, as well as seeing other children around him who were not as fortunate, really pushed me even at a young age to make a difference. My family, both immediate and extended, were very supportive, and I felt a real positive push towards working hard to achieve that goal of working in health care. In high school, I was fortunate enough to do a cooperative placement at the Peterborough Regional Health Center’s Intensive Care Unit. Through observing rounds and being in the medical setting, I truly knew this is where I wanted to
Seven months into my job they called a code Blue in Vascular Interventional Radiology and according to procedure I ran over with all the equipment, drugs, and fluids necessary, but nothing would have gotten me ready for what was going to happen. Once I arrived, without hesitation, I went to the anesthesiologist in charge to see how I could help, but noticed that nothing could be done so instead I put on my gloves and proceeded to fall in line for CPR compressions. During hectic situations it is important to keep communication open; thus, I told the nurses ahead of me to let me go since I was a fresh pair of strong hands. From the age of three up to this point I had always wanted to be a doctor and follow in my grandfather’s footsteps; I always said with an optimistic imagination and convocation at hand that no one would ever die on my operating table. As I was doing compressions I remember glancing over to the frantic look on the patient’s family and the pale, emotionless and lifeless face of the person below my hands.
Is Medical Assisting a great job for me in the future world? Medical assisting is a job that you help people with. This job includes things like taking blood samples, giving shots, check-ups, etc. Any interests I have had within this career is that you help others, prescribe medicine if they are in need, being prompt and taking care of others. Related talents to this career that I have is enjoying helping people, experiencing blood, doing regular check-ups etc. I have selected medical assisting as a career because its easy/ great training in under a year, employment growth, and flexible schedule. I believe that being a medical assisting is the best career for me.
During my observership, my clinic intern mentor was Shiyama Hassan. Overall it was an enjoyable, less stressful academic experience.I got a chance to take patient histories, examination and patient’s vital sign monitoring and charting. I didn’t feel much difference in observing my mentor taking the history and when I was taking the history, it could be related to my past experience. However, every time I was curious to know what is happening with the patients and what caused him to seek naturopathic medical advice. During this clinic shadowing, I saw genuine interest of my mentor and supervisor to help patients concerns, unlike to allopathic model of prescribing medication. It helped me to improve my interviewing skills to look root cause for
When I went to him, I was shocked to see his unrecognizable swollen body; a tube ran from his mouth to the ventilator that maintained his breathing. I had never considered studying medicine; yet, sitting beside my father, watching his vital signs, nothing seemed more natural. In each of my encounters with medicine, the PA who practices medicine as part of a team with physicians personifies all the roles I wish to fulfill. Helping my father and watching him in his recovery not only retained the focus of my interest in medicine but also made the desire to find a meaningful career in healthcare even greater. All of my interests have always led me back to medicine and deepened my resolve that I want to be a
Growing up I always wanted to work in the medical field but I never knew what exactly I wanted to do in the medical field. Having a job and working as certified nurse assistance (C.N.A.) give me more of an idea of what I would like to do in the medical field and that is to become a nurse. I found being certified nurse assistance (CAN) was a great way to really test myself on this goal. Being a CNA exposes me to many members of the health care team; I got an opportunity to see doctors, licensed practical nurses, and register nurses in action.