Personal Statement: My Career As A Nurse

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It all began when I started volunteering in Los Angeles, with my mother at Asian Pacific Health Care Clinic. Asian Pacific Health Care Clinic is a clinic for low-income families who were in need of vaccinations and other health care services. One day my mom received a phone call from the clinic and asked me to go volunteer with her. Since that day, I would have never guessed that it will impact my decision in pursuing my career as a nurse. I was assigned to help patients fill out vaccination forms, translate verbally, and assist the nurses who were in need of my help. I noticed the joy on each patient’s face once they were finished their vaccinations, and it made me happy to know I put a smile on people 's face after their vaccinations. Since that day, I have grown a passion for volunteering and helping others. Another factor that drew me to the nursing profession, was when I volunteered at a …show more content…

Many people wanted to be a nurse because they earn good incomes, but not a lot of them know how hard a nurse has to work or what she/he has to go through. My understanding of nursing is that it is not as beautiful as it seems. Each day, a nurse should have expected to encounter many patients, injuries, or even death. Within all the chaos a nurse must remain calm and capable of providing health care for patients. There is a famous saying, “being a nurse is not about grades. It’s about being who we are. No book can teach you how to cry with your patient…” Being a nurse means that one must have the heart and passion in helping others. Nursing school can teach students the skills required to help patients, but it cannot teach students to have empathy for the patients. The nurses’ role is more than just providing aid for a sick person, but being able to feel their pain and understand what they need. I did not want to become a nurse because it offers good payment or that it is a stable job, but I want to serve others with my

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