Personal Narrative: What I Learned In My Online Class

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In the beginning of the course, I loved reading. I usually read fiction novels that were interesting to me. Books were a source of entertainment as well as relaxation. However, due to my responsibilities I had stopped reading quite as frequently. However, I have never really used peer editing much. Mostly because, I’ve taken online english courses. Before this class, I was enrolled in the English 3a online course. I enjoy reading and online classes seemed like a better fit for me. I usually find it easier to complete english assignments compared to my other classes. I had a positive experience in this online course. It was the first online class I ever took and I was quite surprised at how much I liked it. I liked having the freedom to be able to choose when to work on assignments. This made it easier with my work schedule as well. I was introduced to a lot of things in English 3a. This class had a huge emphasis on critical thinking. I utilized this type of thinking throughout the various essays I wrote throughout the class. In addition to this, these essays were usually spaced out and were about 4-6 pages in length each. These essays followed the more traditional format and were mainly logic based. This suited me and I was …show more content…

The prompts presented in this class were very different from what I was used to writing on. For example, I have never written an essay on one metaphoric image used throughout a novel. However, I have written a paper explaining several different literary devices that the author used. As a result, I was somewhat familiar with the idea behind the essay. However, focusing on only one metaphoric image for five pages was completely new to me. This essay showed me that there are various ways to doing one thing. It was the same idea as essay’s I had done in the past however, it was more detailed. This helped me to be able to explain a literary device in more

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